Tender Summary

Horndean Parish Council Playground Project - Jubilee Field

Buying Organisation

Horndean Parish Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Horndean Parish Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to submit a design and quotation to install new Playground Equipment, Surfacing and Associated Works at Jubilee Field.
The junior playground at Jubilee Field was installed relatively recently, however has significant rot and potential risk for users, highlighted by the ROSPA Inspection Report (available on request).
The Council has allocated a budget to prioritise the improvements, focusing on the mound, which is currently not useable and secured off by Heras Fencing.
The main objective is to remove all the equipment from the mound (which itself will be retained in its current form) and install a new unit that utilises the space with both similar and enhanced play experiences. Additionally, the key focus of the Councils is to also reduce maintenance in relation to the longevity of the equipment, surfacing and associated works. The existing slide may be re-used on a new unit if deemed suitable, and there are also requirements to surface under two existing items: Pendulum Swing and Rotating Rope Unit.
Access to the top of the mound needs to be improved in terms of new steps and surfacing, however leaving most of the site turfed to focus the budget on actual equipment. There is an existing Zip Wire adjacent to the area, which needs to be considered for any new equipment.
Should the budget allow, a new balance/agility trail can be added on the lower ground area around the mound to complement and encourage the combined use of both areas.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Playground equipment (CPV 37535200)
Playground climbing apparatus (CPV 37535220)
Playground slides (CPV 37535240)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Horndean Parish Council

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