Tender Summary

C335 Supply of Hand Tools, Insulated Tools, Hardware and Milwaukee Power Tools

Buying Organisation

Northern Ireland Electricity Networks

Contract Value


Tender Description

The purpose of this procurement exercise is to award framework agreements for the supply of hand tools, insulated tools, hardware and Milwaukee power tools. This procurement is split into 5 lots.
Frameworks will be for a period of five (5) years with the option, exercisable exclusively by NIE Networks, to extend the contract for up to a further three (3) years.
The Contracting Entity estimates that the total spend under the Framework, based on current requirements, is anticipated to be between 3.6 million and 4.4 million.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Miscellaneous hand tools (CPV 44512000)


Northern Ireland (UKN)

Buyer Information

Northern Ireland Electricity Networks

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