Tender Summary

Hat Hill Bridge Repairs (Centurion Way)

Buying Organisation

South Downs National Park Authority

Contract Value

£4,000 to £6,000

Tender Description

Hat Hill Bridge is a single span bridge of jack arch construction, with masonry abutments and wing walls. It is an access bridge over the former railway line between Chichester and Midhurst. The line is currently being resurfaced to form an extension to Centurion Way, which is a shared use path. The bridge requires remedial works which are in keeping and sympathetic to the historical appearance of the bridge and match the mortar of the original construction.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Construction work for bridges (CPV 45221100)
Masonry and bricklaying work (CPV 45262500)


South East (UKJ)

Buyer Information

South Downs National Park Authority

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