Tender Summary

Storage, Maintenance & Deployment Contract for HMCG

Buying Organisation

Maritime & Coastguard Agency

Contract Value


Tender Description

Counter Pollution is one of HMCGs Six Functions and the Counter Pollution and Salvage (CPS) branch operates as the UK Competent Authority with specific responsibility for Counter Pollution preparedness and responding to at-sea pollution from shipping and offshore installations within the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and the management of the UK Governments stockpiles of equipment and dispersant.
CPS respond to national incidents; counter pollution audits of, and support to, all UK ports and harbours; management of national counter-pollution equipment; environmental support and Fate of Oil modelling, counter pollution training to local authorities.
The Authority has since finalised its tender documentation and the procurement activity in scope of this notice, seeks to identify Service Providers to provide storage of the MCAs equipment, to maintain it through a program of planned preventative maintenance and repairs as required, and to deploy the equipment in marine pollution incidents using trained and competent responders with experience in this industry.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Environmental services (CPV 90700000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Maritime & Coastguard Agency

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