Tender Summary

North Northamptonshire Council - Dorking House Supported Accommodation

Buying Organisation

North Northamptonshire Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

North Northamptonshire Council's (hereafter referred to as the "Council") requirements for a service provider to wholly manage a Supported Housing Scheme in Corby called Dorking House which forms part of the Council's current rough sleeping pathway.
The Council is procuring a single provider to deliver the service for an initial 18 months period until 31st March 2025, with the option to extend for a further 2 years (1+1) should further Government funding be available. Overall aim of the provision will be to effectively support residents and meet their needs by providing a safe environment to achieve independence and encourage self-determination to achieve positive outcomes and ultimately find a sustainable housing solution away from the streets
The Council are looking to allocate total grant funding of 155,000 (55,000 for 6 months of 23/24 and 100,000 for 24/25) to a single provider to manage the facility and provide the required support services to accommodate rough sleepers with medium to high needs. This will be from the 1st October 2023 until 31st March 2025 due to current external Government funding secured.
The supported accommodation provision will be predominantly for rough sleepers including individuals rough sleeping with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) along with supporting individuals who are classed as experiencing Multiple Exclusion Homelessness (MEH) who will require intensive support.
The cohort being supported within this provision will include individuals with high complex support needs and therefore the provision will need to be adequately staffed to provide this level of support as required. The following is not an exhaustive list but provides examples of the cohort to be supported:
- Entrenched rough sleepers
- Individuals with a drug / alcohol dependence
- Individuals suffering with mental ill health
- Individuals with physical disabilities
- Rough Sleepers with no resource to public funds (NRPF)
- Ex-offenders or individuals at risk of offending
The Council proposes to enter into one (1) Contract for an initial period of 18 months with the preferred Potential Supplier, with an option to extend for 24 months should further Government funding be available, making 42 months in total (18 months + 1 + 1).
The light touch regime (LTR) applies to the Services, as per Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Provision of services to the community (CPV 75200000)
Other community, social and personal services (CPV 98000000)


East Midlands (UKF)

Buyer Information

North Northamptonshire Council

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