Tender Summary

Medbourne Packhorse Bridge - Remedial Works

Buying Organisation

Leicestershire County Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

The bridge carries a PROW (footpath) to St. Giles Church, Hallaton Road in Medbourne.
The project involves replacement of both timber parapets, stonework repairs & repointing, remove & replace existing paving stones locally (affected areas), and other associated remedial works.
Work will be carried out under a closure of the footbridge.

The work is required to be carried out in 2023-24 financial year.
Reason for works: The existing timber parapets are in very poor condition and not safe.

Required outcomes: The existing damaged parapets will be replaced on a like for like basis to retain the character of the bridge, stonework repairs and re-pointing, paving stones repairs to match existing. Providing a safe access to the Church (St. Giles, Hallaton Road). The existing damaged timber parapet is green oak and will be required to be replaced as the same to retain the appearance and character.

Required works:
- E A application/approval.
- Installing all necessary temporary works.
- Carefully taking down and disposing of the existing timber parapets incl. all fixings.
- Carefully remove existing paving stones locally (affected areas only) to remove timber cross beams.
- Installing new cross beams, bracings, parapets, and other associated work.
- Reinstate and make good paving stone walkway - paving stones/mortar to match existing.
- Stonework repairs at both elevations and re-pointing to match existing.
- A program of the Works with indicative dates and timescales will be required 4 weeks prior to starting on site.
- This programme would be upon agreement with the Council.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment (CPV 50200000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

Leicestershire County Council

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