Tender Summary

Pendle Textile Mills Design Code

Buying Organisation

Historic England

Contract Value

£10,000 to £45,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Building on our previous work on design coding in the historic environment, and positive responses to the National Model Design Code process (NMDC), we propose to fund production of a thematic design code for textile mills in the Borough of Pendle, exploring multiple scenarios to support sites to be allocated through the upcoming local plan.
Textile mills are a regional priority for Historic England. Our Mills of the North Campaign aims to secure the sustainable reuse of these significant and valued assets to provide economic, social and environmental benefits to people across the north. This cross-region programme has a national profile and serves as a potential model for industrial heritage and other thematic programmes across the country. A key step is enabling local authorities to secure high-quality placemaking through good design with effective integration and consideration of the historic environment.
The aims of this project are to
o Provide an exemplar for local authorities across the North West and Yorkshire Regions in particular to use design coding as a tool alongside local plan policy to promote the sensitive reuse of their mill heritage to deliver significant and beneficial change.
o Support the production of the Pendle Local Plan, which will maximise the re-use of brownfield land the opportunities posed by the significant mill heritage in the area.
The aims of the project are to:
o Provide an exemplar design code that addresses a key historic environment concern, with potential for influences coding in other areas.
o To establish a clear vision for reuse of Mills in the borough that can guide design expectations in a range of scenarios.
o Ensure existing communities have a voice in choosing the expected design responses for reuse of heritage assets in their neighbourhoods, taking into account the value of industrial heritage to their sense of identity and pride in place.
o Guide the sustainable reuse of allocated mill sites across Pendle by setting out expected design parameters for new development and reuse, reflecting learning from examples of good practice
o Set-out design considerations, requirements and parameters for a range of mill site types (e.g. cleared with potential for archaeological remains; partially preserved; and well preserved) in a range of scenarios, e.g. residential, commercial etc. for each of these mill site types.
o Establish situations where particular approaches may be considered acceptable and the standards that will be required to justify their use- such as partial demolition to enable reuse of buildings, or replacement of materials where needed to enhance energy efficiency.
o Support more energy efficient conversion and construction of new buildings to increase sustainability - working towards 'Net Zero' taking operational factors of the whole building into account, such as: energy generation/ use, water (use and waste), waste and recycling, travel plans as ...

Tender categories (products & services required)

Preservation services of historical sites and buildings (CPV 92522000)
Preservation services of historical buildings (CPV 92522200)
Preservation services of historical sites (CPV 92522100)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Historic England

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