Tender Summary

L23145-T-SG - ATC Controller Simulator Replacement

Buying Organisation

London Luton Airport Operations Limited

Contract Value


Tender Description

LLAO are seeking a supplier of a new Air Traffic Controller ATC simulator to replace the existing aged simulator. This is required to ensure ATCOs meet training and exercise requirements that couldnt otherwise be carried out in the live environment. The simulator sim is also used to maintain the skills and competence of ATCOs whilst out on medical as they are not allowed to maintain competence in the live environment. The sim is used for scenario-based training that couldnt otherwise be replicated for training purposes. This contract will be for the supply and installation of the simulator, with a minimum manufacturers warranty period of 12 months.For further details, please see tender documents.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Simulators (CPV 34150000)
Flight simulators (CPV 34741400)


East (UKH)

Buyer Information

London Luton Airport Operations Limited

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