Tender Summary

Software Defined Wide Area Network (SDWAN)

Buying Organisation

Transpennine Trains Limited

Contract Value


Tender Description

TransPennines Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SDWAN) is a pivotal part of our core infrastructure enabling the operation and delivery of some of our most important IT assets and systems across the extensive TPT network in Northern England and Southern Scotland. The SDWAN effectively enables the safe and reliable operation of key customer facing assets such as Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) and Customer Information Systems (CIS). TransPennine currently has 47 existing circuits in the SDWAN network. TransPennine has 21 locations, and it is anticipated that a small number of these may require additional works to the physical environment to facilitate this core infrastructure upgrade. It is planned that this procurement will include the carrying out of these works to enable installation. To enable this, a separate smaller piece of work to survey TPTs locations and capture the output requirements from this is currently being completed and will form part of the ITT.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Wide area network services (CPV 72720000)


Yorkshire and the Humber (UKE)

Buyer Information

Transpennine Trains Limited

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