Tender Summary

Blood Sciences & Cellular Pathology HVAC Systems Upgrade for William Harvey Hospital (Heating and Ventilation)

Buying Organisation

2gether Support Solutions

Contract Value


Tender Description

2gether Support Solutions was formed in April 2018 as a new, wholly owned subsidiary company of one of the largest NHS Foundation Trusts in the UK, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust ("the Trust").

The Trust established the company to reflect its strategic aim to secure strong vibrant core facilities and support services for the long term, having signed a 25- year contract with 2gether. Recognising that services would be best delivered in a new service model, a private independent trading company was formed, and who would build on the existing service model whilst developing opportunities for greater service provision of the future.

The Trust formed the company with social enterprise (SE) principles at its core, ensuring that patients' staff and the local community benefit from the way the company operates. As a social enterprise, 2gether will engage with the social enterprise networks within Kent. Whilst the company remains 100% publicly owned with the Trust being its only shareholder, it does deliver commercial services to third parties and will build on this in the coming years.

The Blood Science and Cellular Pathology Department at William Harvey (WHH) is located on the Ground floor of the main clinical zone of the hospital.

Works are required to improve the room temperature in a number of individual labs and the main lab within both departments.

The Blood Science Lab is home to a number of large pieces of sensitive equipment which cannot be switch and/or relocated; the Cellular Pathology labs consists 6 individual rooms of which 5 run off the same external AHU which is no longer working at full capacity.

Ideally, each room will have its own individual spilt which would mitigate the risk of closing down all the labs if a fault was to be found one specific area, and the correct room temperatures could not be provided.

Tender categories (products & services required)

HVAC packages (CPV 42512300)
Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work (CPV 45331200)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

2gether Support Solutions

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