Tender Summary

CS5842: Short Breaks - Holiday and Weekend Short Breaks

Buying Organisation

Tower Hamlets

Contract Value


Tender Description

We are seeking the recommissioning of the Short Breaks (Holiday and Weekend) service for disabled children which are delivered as three separate contracts (Lots).
The short breaks holiday scheme contract is a mandated/ statutory service that enables and supports children and young people with disabilities to access activities that are often open to non-disabled children, so that they can enjoy an ordinary life. It also offers parents and carers a much-needed break from their caring responsibilities.
The schemes are primarily for families with the highest level of need, who will be referred to one of the services depending on their requirements. In practice, young people will attend one of the service provisions at varying times throughout the year, allowing more families to access the support available.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Social services (CPV 85320000)
Other community, social and personal services (CPV 98000000)


London (UKI)

Buyer Information

Tower Hamlets

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