Tender Summary

Provision of Cleaning Services for Student Residences and Conference's at Aberystwyth University

Buying Organisation

Aberystwyth University

Contract Value


Tender Description

Aberystwyth University (AU) current has approximately 3750 study bedrooms, made up of approximately 1,500 en-suite rooms and 2,250 standard rooms - a proportion of which you are being asked to bid for. Student bedrooms are rented to the students between a 39 - 50 week licence period (although the large majority are between 39-40 weeks between September to June). Each flat has a communal kitchen that is generally used by between 6 -10 persons. The buildings are typically 3 or 4 storeys with a main staircase or 2 storey houses of 5 -6 bedrooms.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Accommodation cleaning services (CPV 90911100)


Wales (UKL)

Buyer Information

Aberystwyth University

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