Tender Summary

Maximising Performance: Management Development Programme

Buying Organisation

Big Lottery Fund

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

We are looking to secure a service provider that can work with us over the next 9 months to:n1. Design and deliver an introduction workshop to our talent pool management development programme. The introduction will focus on preparing managers for the programme with particular emphasis on developing behaviours and confidence to be more experimental and innovative, and using judgement and self management to drive effective ways of workingn2. Deliver 1-1 coaching for managers on the programme that will assist with embedding learning through a reflection and person centred approach n3. Design and deliver a workshop for our heads of function. This group will be responsible for coaching and supporting managers to implement their learning which is critical for the change to be achieved. The workshop will focus on developing this group so that they are best placed to do this effectively.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Human resources management consultancy services (CPV 79414000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Big Lottery Fund

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