Tender Summary

Library Self Service and Technology Assisted Opening

Buying Organisation


Contract Value

£500,000 to £1,000,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The Council is looking to procure self service kiosks with associated security gates, staff pads, handheld RFID scanners and RFID tagging of all stock in the nine libraries. The Council wishes to procure technology to enable libraries to open without staff present, termed as technology assisted opening (TAO). TAO will be installed in seven of the libraries with an option to install in the remaining two libraries if physical constraints can be overcome.
Overall the tender covers the following areas as well as the requirements detailed in the specification: a) Self service kiosks that are able to handle payment by cash and debit card including contactless payment and read the Council's multi-application e+ smart card that acts as the library membership card. Note - The bidder will determine the number and type of security gates for each library based on requirements in specification and site survey. All of the existing security gates will be replaced. b) RFID tagging of all stock in the nine libraries c) Technology assisted opening (TAO) to be provided at seven libraries with an option on the two remaining libraries. TAO must be able to read the Council's multi-application e+ smart card for door entry, control lighting, self service kiosks, intruder alarms, fire alarms, monitor security events in the building via CCTV, close all external or internal doors as required and make appropriate public announcements. Note - CCTV to be replaced in all libraries where currently present Self service kiosks and TAO need to be installed and signed off by June 2018.
See also Additional Text below.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Library automation equipment (CPV 30238000)


South East (UKJ)

Buyer Information


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