Tender Summary

Multiply Programme (UK Shared Prosperity Fund)

Buying Organisation

Argyll and Bute Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

Argyll and Bute Council wishes to commission external deliverers of the UKCRF Multiply Programme.
Multiply is an adult numeracy programme, which will support people with no or low-level maths skills get back into work. The scheme will offer free personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses to improve adults numeracy skills.
Under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund predefined interventions, outputs and outcomes for the Multiply Programme the focus under the Argyll and Bute UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, 2022-2025 is to prepare, develop and deliver:
Courses for parents wanting to increase their numeracy skills in order to help their children, and help with their own progression (predefined intervention S43); and
Courses designed to help people use numeracy to manage their money (predefined intervention S49).

Tender categories (products & services required)

Adult and other education services (CPV 80400000)
Education and training services (CPV 80000000)
Secondary education services (CPV 80200000)
Vocational secondary education services (CPV 80212000)
Higher education services (CPV 80300000)


Scotland (UKM)

Buyer Information

Argyll and Bute Council

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