Tender Summary

Water Treatment and Sump Pump System Upgrade

Buying Organisation


Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Upgrading existing water treatment plant: the existing water treatment plant & the display unit are to be replaced & upgraded. The installation and replacement works in line with the upgrade shall be carried out by the supplier of the 'Orca' system ProEconomy.rnBMS connection of Water treatment System. - Connection of the Copper Silver system with the Hospital's central BMS system in order for the Service engineer to have a full information and visualization of the system's performance at all times, giving him the capability to intervene if needed. Improvement of Water Treatment Service procedure and time. - Examination and redesign of the system for better possible work order or output.rnPipe Flood Detection System. - Examine, propose and design better fail safe mechanisms to prevent flooding due to future pipe failure. Backup of the Electrical Actuator Cut off Valve. The Electrical Actuator Cut Off Valve The system must always : be in good Working Order, have ability to work at all times, be available for Cut off at all times, which makes it a far too important a mechanism to be left without a backup.rnWater Temperature Reading. Install a system for reading and recording the temperature of the incoming water into the Copper Silver Disinfection system and introduce that data into the BMS.rnSump Pump System, improve and secure working order. - Provide a clean Sump-pit for pumps to work without damage. Examine, propose and redesign the Sump Pump system with better fail safe mechanisms to prevent flooding due to future pipe failure.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Drinking-water treatment plant construction work (CPV 45252126)
Repair and maintenance of plant (CPV 45259000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information


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