Tender Summary

'Green Screens' For Schools (pollution-blocking plant screens)

Buying Organisation

London Borough of Hackney

Contract Value


Tender Description

Hackney Council's Green Screens Programme is a pioneering project to install 'Green Screens', which are pollution-blocking plant screens, on the perimeters of schools bordering busy roads. Air pollution from these roads puts children at risk, and the screens help to reduce the levels of pollution that enter playgrounds and classrooms. Green screens are typically 3m tall to maximise their impact in blocking air pollution, and create an attractive green wall that can also provide privacy screening.

Hackney Council is seeking a consultancy/designer to assess 25 individual schools for their suitability for a green screen, develop initial designs and present the council with a written document/plan that an installation contractor is able to follow to install the screens.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Urban planning and landscape architectural services (CPV 71400000)
Architectural and related services (CPV 71200000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

London Borough of Hackney

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