Tender Summary

For the Provision of the Oldham Independent Advocacy Services Hub

Buying Organisation

Oldham Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

Oldham Council is seeking to commission an external provider to deliver advocacy services in Oldham is to align all elements of current advocacy services into a Hub Model. This will ensure that residents and service users have access to a comprehensive service which is easy to access and offers a seamless process to receiving the right type of advocacy support.as detailed further in the Service Specification.
The successful provider will deliver high quality provision in a timely and inclusive fashion for the following elements
Independent Care Act Advocacy (CAA)
Independent Mental Capacity Act Advocacy (IMCA)
Independent Mental Health Act Advocacy (IMHA)
General advocacy for people with Learning Disabilities and Autism

Tender categories (products & services required)

Health and social work services (CPV 85000000)


North West (UKD)

Buyer Information

Oldham Council

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