Tender Summary

Woolwich Ferry - Fuel by Bunker Barge and Road Tanker

Buying Organisation

Transport for London

Contract Value


Tender Description

The Woolwich Ferry (WF) is a free service established by Act of Parliament which is owned and operated by TfL. The WF has two terminals, one north of the river and one to the south.
The WF operation provides a two-vessel service, other than at weekends and on public holidays when a one-vessel service runs. Each ferry vessel has capacity for the equivalent of 12 maximum road-legal heavy goods vehicles, though a mix of private car, light goods and heavy goods vehicles use the service throughout the day. The ferries also have separate lounges for up to 150 pedestrian and cycle passengers on opposing sides of the vessel.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Biodiesel (B20) (CPV 09134231)


London (UKI)

Buyer Information

Transport for London

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