Latest Live Tenders

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Most recently published 11/12/2024

Product / Service Required Location Value  
Installation of doors and windows North West £100,000 LIVE
Health and social work services North East £1,700,000 LIVE
Installation of doors and windows North West £100,000 LIVE
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Yorkshire and the Humber £450,000 LIVE
Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security United Kingdom £80,000 LIVE
Software package and information systems United Kingdom £200,000 
to £208,000
Business and management consultancy services United Kingdom £800,000 LIVE
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy North East £36,000,000 LIVE
Refurbishment work South West £400,000 LIVE
Business and management consultancy services North East £394,036 LIVE
Daycare services for handicapped children and young people North East £50,000 LIVE
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work United Kingdom £22,500,000 
to £24,000,000
School catering services East £2,250,000 LIVE
Metalworking United Kingdom £250,000 
to £500,000
Time registers and the like; parking meters South West £900,000 
to £1,453,000
Social work services with accommodation London £110,684,059 LIVE
Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services West Midlands £4,640,000 
to £5,800,000
Architectural, engineering and surveying services United Kingdom £300,000 
to £400,000
Technical analysis or consultancy services United Kingdom £40,000 
to £45,000
Support services for land transport United Kingdom £13,000,000 
to £30,000,000
Environmental standards other than for construction North East £25,000 
to £50,000
Smoke-detection apparatus North East £3,000,000 
to £6,000,000
Software package and information systems United Kingdom £40,000 LIVE
Landscape architectural services North East £49,999 LIVE
Commissioning of public lighting installations North East £500,000 LIVE
Health services United Kingdom £2,650,686 LIVE
Counselling services Wales £1,000,000 LIVE
Prison services United Kingdom £479,000,000 LIVE
Lift-maintenance services North East £950,000 LIVE
Construction work United Kingdom £100,000 LIVE
Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning United Kingdom £1,100,000 LIVE
Non-destructive testing services West Midlands £550,000 LIVE
School cleaning services London £650,415 LIVE
Survey services United Kingdom £80,000 
to £100,000
Facilities management services North East £450,000,000 LIVE
Road furniture United Kingdom £25,000 LIVE
Research consultancy services Yorkshire and The Humber £85,000 LIVE
Residential nursing care services United Kingdom £255,000 LIVE
Software package and information systems North East £75,000 LIVE
Evaluation consultancy services London £50,000 
to £100,000
Repair and maintenance services of water meters North East £30,000 LIVE
Construction work East £50,000 
to £100,000
Analysers West Midlands £5,950,000 
to £850,000
Printed books, brochures and leaflets Yorkshire and The Humber £30,000 LIVE
Fencing components West Midlands £1,425,000 LIVE
Fraud audit services North East £45,000,000 LIVE
Lifts, skip hoists, hoists, escalators and moving walkways United Kingdom £100,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of locomotive wheelsets United Kingdom £11,500,000 LIVE
Installation work of blinds East £50,000 
to £100,000
Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services North East £10,000 
to £25,000
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support United Kingdom £57,000,000,000 LIVE
HVAC packages North East £780,000 LIVE
Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Northern Ireland £15,000 
to £20,000
Social work services United Kingdom £110,684,059 LIVE
Snow-clearing services Wales £180,000 LIVE
Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services West Midlands £5,625,000 LIVE
Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions Scotland £2,092,000 LIVE
Building installation work East Midlands £6,000,000 LIVE
Radar United Kingdom £100,000 LIVE
Wellness services Scotland £150,000 LIVE
Prison services United Kingdom £479,000,000 LIVE
Courier services United Kingdom £375,000 LIVE
Outpatient care services United Kingdom £255,000 LIVE
Cleaning products Yorkshire and the Humber £1,100,000 LIVE
Lift-maintenance services South West £950,000 LIVE
Animal husbandry services United Kingdom £30,000,000 LIVE
Facilities management services North East £450,000,000 LIVE
School catering services South East £900,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services East £200,000 LIVE
Analysers West Midlands £5,950,000 LIVE
Building services South West £450,000 LIVE
School cleaning services London £650,415 LIVE
Ambulance services Scotland £8,500,000 LIVE
Health and social work services Scotland £1,400,000 LIVE
Lift-maintenance services North East £117,458 LIVE
Guard services United Kingdom £207,819 LIVE
Refurbishment work West Midlands £200,000 LIVE
Lifts North East £1,250,000 LIVE
Training programme services United Kingdom £120,000 
to £150,000
Construction work South East £146,000 LIVE
Construction work United Kingdom £30,000 LIVE
Computer network services South East £575,000 LIVE
School catering services South West £7,190,000 LIVE
Installation services of laboratory equipment Yorkshire and The Humber £100,000 
to £500,000
Health and social work services North East £1,337,000 LIVE
Fitted kitchens United Kingdom £17,787,418 LIVE
Sports facilities operation services East £13,800,000 LIVE
Road-construction materials North East £4,000,000 LIVE
Bathrooms construction work North East £1,800,000 
to £2,000,000
Swings South West £858,500 
to £908,500
Agricultural and horticultural products United Kingdom £18,500 
to £27,000
Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment East £1,700,000 LIVE
Legal services London £600,000 
to £1,800,000
Laboratory services North West £500,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services United Kingdom £200,000 
to £250,000
Health and safety consultancy services South West £30,000 LIVE
Tree-cutting services North East £100,000 LIVE
Construction work North East £50,000 LIVE
Laundry-collection services Yorkshire and The Humber £100,000 
to £500,000
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy North East £36,000,000 LIVE
Evaluation consultancy services London £25,000 
to £50,000
Mechanical engineering services Yorkshire and The Humber £500,000 LIVE
Civic-amenity services North East £10,000,000 
to £12,000,000
Cleaning and sanitation services East £350,000 LIVE
Bin-cleaning services East £50,000 
to £100,000
Software package and information systems North East £75,000 LIVE
Commissioning of public lighting installations North East £500,000 LIVE
Archive services North East £90,000 
to £108,000
Building construction work North East £4,500,000 
to £5,000,000
Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment North East £7,000,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of building installations North East £500,000,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services East £25,000,000 
to £30,000,000
Advertising consultancy services London £300,000 LIVE
Health services United Kingdom £7,800,000 LIVE
Construction work United Kingdom £160,000 LIVE
Network connectivity terminal emulation software package United Kingdom £950,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations East £2,000,000 
to £2,500,000
Advertising and marketing services Yorkshire and The Humber £100,000 
to £500,000
Business and management consultancy services North East £394,036 LIVE
Personnel and payroll services South East £270,000 LIVE
Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus) London £250,000 
to £500,000
Energy and related services United Kingdom £700,000 LIVE
Construction work of leisure facilities East £8,500,000 LIVE
Legal services London £1,800,000 LIVE
Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security United Kingdom £48,000,000 LIVE
Health services South West £2,650,686 LIVE
Computer network services South East £575,000 LIVE
School catering services South West £7,190,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment East £1,700,000 LIVE
Health and social work services Northern Ireland £1,894,028 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations South West £600,000 LIVE
Windows Scotland £960,000 LIVE
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy North East £36,000,000 LIVE
Civic-amenity services East £12,000,000 LIVE
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support North East £200,000 LIVE
Energy and related services United Kingdom £700,000 LIVE
Personnel and payroll services United Kingdom £270,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services North East £5,000,000 LIVE
Counselling services Wales £5,513,855 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services East £25,055,232 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of building installations North East £500,000,000 LIVE
Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment South West £7,000,000 LIVE
Advertising consultancy services London £300,000 LIVE
Health services London £7,800,000 LIVE
Cleaning and sanitation services East £350,000 LIVE
Health services South East £5,847,750 LIVE
Construction work of leisure facilities East £8,500,000 LIVE
Development services of real estate South West £1,200,000 LIVE
Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations East £2,250,000 LIVE
Business and management consultancy services London £394,036 LIVE
Construction work North West £380,000,000 LIVE
Landscaping work North East £100,000 
to £500,000
Bowsers Northern Ireland £170,000 LIVE
Supply services of personnel including temporary staff South East £580,000 
to £1,160,000
Street-lighting maintenance services United Kingdom £200,000 
to £300,000
Street-lighting maintenance services East £300,000 LIVE
Information technology services East Midlands £57,000,000,000 LIVE
Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy London £375,000 LIVE
Construction work West Midlands £95,000 LIVE
Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories United Kingdom £150,000 
to £400,000
Construction project management services West Midlands £50,000 LIVE
Stairlifts Yorkshire and The Humber £2,000,000 LIVE
Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas North West £500,000 LIVE
Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation North East £7,966,400 
to £780,000,000
Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services United Kingdom £80,000 LIVE
Refurbishment work South West £400,000 LIVE
Business and management consultancy services North East £60,000 LIVE
Footbridge construction work East £50,000 
to £100,000
Health and social work services North East £23,400,000 LIVE
Installation of street furniture North East £225,000 LIVE
Health and social work services East Midlands £1,161,080 LIVE
Health and social work services East Midlands £99,000 LIVE
Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services North East £265,000 
to £295,000
Instruments for checking physical characteristics South West £190,000 LIVE
Public relations services West Midlands £390,000 LIVE
Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products North East £122,000 
to £244,000
Legal services United Kingdom £40,000,000 LIVE
Advertising and marketing services West Midlands £7,000,000 LIVE
Orthotic services North East £6,400,000 LIVE
Ground-drainage work Yorkshire and The Humber £416,000 LIVE
Graphic design services West Midlands £330,000 LIVE
Fireproofing work East Midlands £1,000,000 
to £5,000,000
Digital mapping services North East £32,000 LIVE
Emergency lighting equipment United Kingdom £420,000 
to £480,000
Roof United Kingdom £40,000 
to £80,000
Adult and other education services West Midlands £528,000 LIVE
Environmental issues consultancy services West Midlands £375,000 LIVE
Social work services without accommodation South West £1,210,480 LIVE
Compilation of financial statements services Yorkshire and The Humber £55,125 LIVE
Telecommunications equipment and supplies North East £7,000,000 LIVE
Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment United Kingdom £90,000 LIVE
Drilling services Yorkshire and The Humber £150,000 LIVE
Construction work North East £150,000 LIVE
Pest-control services United Kingdom £943,000 LIVE
Construction work London £1,000,000 
to £5,000,000
Construction work United Kingdom £300,000 LIVE
Microscopes South West £1,500,000 LIVE
Research and development services and related consultancy services United Kingdom £30,000 LIVE
Social work and related services North East £24,099,055 
to £39,200,000
Education and training services North East £40,000 LIVE

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