Tender Summary

Subsea Cables Repair & Market Analysis

Buying Organisation


Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

DSIT is the lead Government department for telecommunications, data and internet infrastructure policy. A key part of our national internet infrastructure are the subsea cables that connect the UK to the global internet. The team responsible for telecommunications / data cables (referred to as 'subsea cables') works across Government, its agencies, and partners in industry to ensure the infrastructure that underpins the UK's telecoms and internet access is robust, resilient, secure and fit for the future.

To assure the resilience of the UK's network of subsea cables, DSIT requires an evidence base to support policy development. The team needs a clear picture of how maintenance and repair is delivered and its long-term viability.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment (CPV 32000000)
Telecommunications cable and equipment (CPV 32520000)
Telecommunications system (CPV 32524000)
Research services (CPV 73110000)
Market research services (CPV 79310000)


United Kingdom (UK)

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