Tender Summary

Beetwell St MSCP Lift Shaft Parapet Repairs

Buying Organisation

Chesterfield Borough Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

A brief outline of the work is shown here:
To take down the top three courses of brickwork including the brick on edge coping and
the two courses below and then re-build.
To carry out the re-building works it will be necessary to remove the telephone aerial
equipment from the lift shaft and the associated cabling and cable trays. It is not intended to refix this equipment. Broken steel tubular handrailing should also be removed.
Provide remedial wall-ties in accordance with the spacings in the Building Regulations Part A:
Structure as the contract documents if they are found to be deficient.
Renew the movement joints in the areas of masonry to be rebuilt.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Repair and maintenance services (CPV 50000000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

Chesterfield Borough Council

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