Tender Summary

Tolgus Trail - Bridge Deck Enquiry

Buying Organisation


Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Cormac Solutions Ltd would like to invite you to provide a quotation for the design and manufacture of a bridge deck, in conjunction with the information listed below and subsequently attached. Please provide your most competitive price and all other details requested below - attention is drawn to the requirement to submit a completed version of the draft AIP.

Scope of Services

Please can you provide a quote for the design and manufacture of a multi-use bridge deck in accordance with the specification listed within the accompanying draft AIP document and Drawings.

The proposed bridge shall form a crossing point on a multi-use track; the bridge shall provide a crossing point for pedestrians, cyclists and horses in line with the requirements within the draft AIP document. The bridge design shall consist of timber/steel, complete with non-slip decking and 1.8m high timber parapet.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Timber products (CPV 03419100)
Structures of bridges (CPV 44212120)
Bridge-design services (CPV 71322300)


South West (UKK)

Buyer Information


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