Tender Summary

FARRRS Phase 2

Buying Organisation

Doncaster MBC

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The scheme will involve the construction of approximately 1.7km of single carriageway road, with a 50mph speed limit. The road will be constructed mainly over agricultural land, however the road does cross through Brook Wood and Hurst Plantation, which is classified as a Plantation on ancient woodland site.nThe new road will be 9.3m wide comprising of two 3.65m lanes with 1m hard strips on either outer edge and a 2.5m wide grass verges. To the north of the alignment there will be a 3m wide combined cycle way footway.nAn underpass will be constructed to accommodate the existing Aukley No.5 bridleway Public Right of Way. This will also be used as an agricultural access track linking the severed fields to the north and south of the alignment. The underpass will provide headroom of 4.3m and a width of 4.8m to allow most agricultural vehicles and ridden horses to pass through and will also provide a safe crossing point to protect bats on their foraging route. nThe surface water from the carriageway and combined cycleway footway will be drained based on sustainable drainage principals where the surface water uses over the edge drainage into a linear 'rain garden', which runs along the majority of the length of road. These drains filter the water and remove pollutants before discharging into attenuation ponds where the surface water is stored and discharged at a controlled rate into the existing drainage systems.nTwo new roundabouts will be constructed to tie the scheme into the existing highway network. The first roundabout will be constructed to the south east of the Parrots Corner junction and will link the existing A6182, A638 Bawtry Road and provide access to the Doncaster South Park and Ride Carpark. This will allow the existing signals at the park and ride carpark entrance to be decommissioned.nThe second roundabout will connect the scheme to Hurst Lane and Lincoln Green Way replacing the existing traffic signalised junction, which will be decommissioned as part of the works.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Construction work (CPV 45000000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Doncaster MBC

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