Supplier Profile - Abbott Laboratories Limited
52 tenders awarded to Abbott Laboratories Limited
Most recent tenders won by Abbott Laboratories Limited
Extension to current provision of a managed laboratory service for Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Contract Value: £28,507,952
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Abbott Laboratories Limited has won tenders with the following tender categories:
- Diagnostic kits
- Enteral feeds
- Laboratory services
- Sound velocity analyzers
- Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment
- Hospital and related services
- Medical consumables
- Blood analysis services
- Pathology services
- Diagnostic devices
- Diagnostic supplies
- Reagent strips
- Diagnostic agents
- Reagents and contrast media
- Blood-testing reagents
- Analysis apparatus
- Biochemical analysers
- Blood analysers
- Chemistry analyser
- Biomedical equipment
Plus 153 more