Tender Summary

South Cambridgeshire District Council - Community Hubs

Buying Organisation

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

Last winter (2022) SCDC worked in partnership with the voluntary sector to develop a series of Warm Hubs across the district, operated from community buildings and led by volunteers to provide spaces for residents to spend time, keep warm and connect with people in their communities. Following the success of this initiative, SCDC wish to continue to develop these popular spaces into Community Hubs; places in the community where anyone can go, to meet and connect with local people, and gain access to a wide range of support and services which help to keep people healthy and well, year-round.
The vision is to build on the Community Hub success in connecting people living in rural communities with each other and with support services where needed, to offer outreach to debt advice, food aid, housing and health services. To further extend the model, SCDC is looking for the volunteers to be supported by 3 Village Agents (p/t employees) to act as a facilitator, connector, and community development worker for the Community Hubs. Their role will be to support and develop the team of local volunteers, ensure the Hub continues to be community-led, connect with local teams to enable outreach services in a way that suits the community it serves e.g cost of living support, vaccinations, health clinics, group consults employment support, food networks. It is envisaged that each Village Agent would support the Community Hubs within a particular integrated neighbourhood (IN), of which there are 3 covering the District of South Cambridgeshire (some flexibility maybe required in contracted hours dependent on the number of hubs within each IN area).
By bringing health prevention into the community, the aim is to address the health inequalities imposed on residents living in rural areas with very limited and expensive public transport, without the use of a personal car, Wi-Fi or home computer.
It is anticipated that the Hubs will deliver opportunities to host events such as vaccine outreach, and health talks on specific subjects, and look at opportunities to create regular events such as carers cafes or menopause cafes in consultation with the community.
Opportunities could also be made to link with the Mobile Libraries, Job Centres, and Housing advice to provide support on a whole range of prevention aligned to the Determinants of Health.
Therefore, SCDC is looking for a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to provide these services.
The Hubs will offer a warm, friendly and inclusive environment with access to hot food, tea and coffee; somewhere to socialise, take part in activities and receive information on how to reduce bills, access financial or housing support, and stay healthy and well.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Other community, social and personal services (CPV 98000000)
Civic betterment and community facility support services (CPV 98133100)


East (UKH)

Buyer Information

South Cambridgeshire District Council

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