Tender Summary

CPH039 Falls Prevention Service For Derbyshire

Buying Organisation

Derbyshire County Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

Derbyshire County Council are seeking an innovative and adaptive provider to manage, develop and deliver a high-quality evidence-based falls prevention exercise service across Derbyshire (excluding Derby City). This service will have a primary focus on adults aged over 60 years but will be available for those individuals under 60 years who have been identified as at risk of falling. The provider will:
Coordinate, monitor and support the existing open access falls prevention exercise community groups.
Implement, monitor, and evaluate a targeted, falls risk-reduction exercise programme for Derbyshire incorporating the evidenced based Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme model 'Real world' effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study - PubMed (nih.gov)
Offer the FaME programme free of charge to all participants out of the current budget envelope.
The community exercise classes will be an open access service for people with an increased risk of falls. The community exercise classes will be chargeable to all participants.
Promote both the falls prevention exercise service and the FaME programme with partners and across target population groups in Derbyshire, ensuring appropriate engagement and service development to meet the needs of people accessing falls prevention support.
Increase capacity of the falls prevention exercise service by recruiting and training instructors in areas of greatest need and where inequality of access remains most prevalent
Coordinate and manage an effective transport management system to ensure people with a defined need are provided with appropriate transport options subsidised by the available budget.
Clearly demonstrate the impact of the service through rigorous monitoring and reporting of individual uptake, attendance and outcomes obtained from instructors data in accordance with the tender specification.
Work with the commissioner to support and develop new branding and promotional materials.
There will be a three-month mobilisation period prior to the service contract start date of 01 April 2024. The contract will be for an initial period of 2 years, with an option to extend the contract for a further three (3) 12-month periods subject to satisfactory evaluation of the project, performance, and available funding.
The Council invite provider(s) to think collaboratively and innovatively about the service and must be willing to be an active participant in the ongoing development of the service through internal and external evaluation processes in order to demonstrate impact of the service in terms of reduction in falls and inequality.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Health and social work services (CPV 85000000)


East Midlands (UKF)

Buyer Information

Derbyshire County Council

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