Buyer Profile - Western Health and Social Care Trust

279 tenders and contract awards published by Western Health and Social Care Trust


Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, BT47 6SB

Recent contract awards from from Western Health and Social Care Trust

X-Ray Protective Wear and Accessories

X-Ray Protective Wear and Accessories

Contract Value: Unknown

Maintenance of Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Dermatology Equipment [5135441]

Maintenance of Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Dermatology Equipment [5135441]

Contract Value: Unknown

Surgical Clippers and Blades for Pre-Opreative Hair Removal ( 5019299 )

Surgical Clippers and Blades for Pre-Opreative Hair Removal ( 5019299 )

Contract Value: Unknown

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The following companies have recently been awarded contracts by Western Health and Social Care Trust