UK Education and Training Services Tenders
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Latest Education and Training Services Tenders
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Leadership Development Services
The NHS North West Leadership Academy, hosted by Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS FT (the Authority) is inviting candidates to apply for the provision of Leadership Development services via a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the following Lots.
1 Expert Facilitation
2 Deputy and...
Contract Value: £12,000,000
Buying Organisation: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Education and training services
Children's Specialist Education Framework - Flexible Procurement System (FPS)
...Education Services is part of the continuum of services that support children, young people, and their families. It provides a structured and organised approach that outlines the principles, guidelines, and strategies for providing specialist education provision to children and young people with unique learning needs or...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Education and training services and commissioned activities to support individuals to gain the skills needed for life and work, including : progressing towards, entering into and sustaining work; upskilling or retraining in order to advance their career.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Tender Category: Education and training services
Support for Victims of Modern Slavery - Expression of Interest (EOI)
The Salvation Army would like to invite you to express interest in participating as a key partner in our bid for the Support for Victims of Modern Slavery (SVMS) contract, Delivery of the contract, which has been commissioned by the Home Office, is anticipated to commence in Spring 2027. SVMS will...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: THE SALVATION ARMY
Tender Category: Education and training services
The London Borough of Waltham Forest and London Borough of Redbridge ("the Authority") are seeking Tenders from suitably experienced and qualified organisations for the Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle for the provision of Holiday Activity Programme. The Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle will cover...
Contract Value: £14,550,000
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Waltham Forest
Tender Category: Education and training services
Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Alternative Education
...Education across the city. The DPS will be partly managed by colleagues from the Respect Collaboration of Schools, the schools within which are "maintained". Respect Collaboration of Schools (RCS) has a statutory duty to make arrangements for the provision of appropriate education otherwise than at school,...
Contract Value: £3,000,000 to £7,000,000
Buying Organisation: DERBY CITY COUNCIL
Tender Category: Education and training services
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Support for Victims of Modern Slavery
Serco is seeking key partners for our bid for the Support for Victims of Modern Slavery contract, commissioned by the Home Office. Delivery is expected to commence in January 2026, covering England and Wales. The contract provides services that enables victim-survivors' recovery needs to be...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: SERCO LIMITED
Tender Category: Education and training services
T Level Ambassador Network Regionalisation - Market Engagement Event
...Education (DfE) is considering the introduction of a regional structure to the existing T Level Ambassadors Network (TAN) to support the growth of T Levels across England. T Levels are two year technical education courses at level 3 for 16-19 year olds. Launched in 2020, they...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Department for Education
Tender Category: Education and training services
NHS Elect Full Membership 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2027
NHS Elect Full Membership 01/04/2025 to...
Contract Value: £68,000
Buying Organisation: NHS England
Tender Category: Education and training services
...Education (IfATE) (and therefore enable the market/potential suppliers to begin to plan for this); and 2. Advise as to the upcoming market engagement event via Microsoft Teams on 11th September 2024 at 4pm, which will include a presentation on the Strategic Discussion of Commercial Principles. There...
Contract Value: £40,840,000
Buying Organisation: Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
Tender Category: Education and training services
Beauty Therapy, Theatrical Make Up, Hairdressing & Nail Materials
The City of Liverpool College will be shortly going out to tender for the supply of Beauty, Hairdressing, Theatrical Make Up & Nail materials to support our Hair & Beauty courses for 3 + 1 years from 01/08/2025. Via the College's In-Tend portal at:...
Contract Value: £53,600 to £214,000
Buying Organisation: The City of Liverpool College
Tender Category: Education and training services
...Training for staff employed within HMP environments to ensure they are equipped to carry out their duties to a consistent and high standard.
Contract Value: £35,000
Buying Organisation: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Education and training services
Reopening of Lot 2 Approved Driving Instructors and Trainers
Norfolk County Council is reopening Lot 2 of the framework for Approved Driving Instructors and...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Norfolk County Council
Tender Category: Education and training services
Provision of Adult Learning Services 2025 providers to deliver subcontracted provision to meet the gaps outlined in our rationale. This provision will consist of accredited skills qualifications which must be available for funding on the DfE Find a Learning Aim System - This contract is for the provision accredited qualifications...
Contract Value: £270,000
Buying Organisation: Westmorland and Furness Council
Tender Category: Education and training services
Specialist training and coaching in continuous improvement
...Training provision will focus on key activities that enable the approx. 3,000 workforce to add value to both internal and external customers. Pilot new ways of working. Redesigning future operating models, project delivery methods and culture to improve the effectiveness of the delivery of products, processes...
Contract Value: £1,200,000
Tender Category: Education and training services
GSS25091 - Specialist training and coaching in continuous improvement
...Training provision will focus on key activities that enable the approx. 3,000 workforce to add value to both internal and external customers. Pilot new ways of working. Redesigning future operating models, project delivery methods and culture to improve the effectiveness of the delivery of products, processes...
Contract Value: £1,200,000
Buying Organisation: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Tender Category: Education and training services
The provision of Police Constable Degree Apprenticeships
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire is seeking a Provider for the delivery of Police Degree Constable...
Contract Value: £3,110,400
Buying Organisation: The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire
Tender Category: Education and training services
Get Started Programme - Northern Ireland
Suppliers for delivery of week-long Get Started programmes for young people aged 16 - 30 in Northern...
Contract Value: £60,000
Buying Organisation: The Prince's Trust
Tender Category: Education and training services
CA15397 - Get Started Programme - Northern Ireland
Suppliers for delivery of week-long Get Started programmes for young people aged 16 - 30 in Northern Ireland. Includes Lots: Lot 1: Make-up Lot 2: Nails Lot 3: Hairdressing / Barbering Lot 4: Photography Lot 5: Filming and Content Creation Lot 6: Gaming Lot 7: DJing Lot 8: Health and Fitness Lot 9:...
Contract Value: £60,000
Buying Organisation: The Prince's Trust
Tender Category: Education and training services
SEND Post 16 Supported Internships Framework
The London Borough of Hackney is inviting tenders from sufficiently experienced and qualified providers to procure a programme of Special Educational Needs Supported Internship placements for young people in the borough. A key objective of this framework will be for each intern to be equipped with...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Hackney
Tender Category: Education and training services
Invitation to Tender for Trialling Framework Services 2025 - 2028 - itt_3345
The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for developing and delivering statutory national curriculum tests in English Reading, English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS), Mathematics, Phonics, and the Reception Baseline Assessment for schools. The STA ensures these tests are of...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Department for Education
Tender Category: Education and training services
Invitation to Tender for Trialling Framework Service 2025 -2028
The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for developing and delivering statutory national curriculum tests in English Reading, English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS), Mathematics, Phonics, and the Reception Baseline Assessment for schools. The STA ensures these tests are of...
Contract Value: £18,000,000
Buying Organisation: Department for Education
Tender Category: Education and training services
Probation Practitioner Level 3 Apprenticeship providers to develop aspects of the syllabus , as HMPPS will develop several learning outcomes. The training providers will also be required to deliver the Probation Practitioner Level 3 apprenticeship. This is a new requirement and replaces the Level three Diploma in Probation Practice. The...
Contract Value: £19,998,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice
Tender Category: Education and training services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Education and Training Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Education and Training Services Tenders:
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- City of Doncaster Council
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority
- London Borough of Waltham Forest
- Department for Education
- NHS England
- Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
- The City of Liverpool College
- Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
- Norfolk County Council
- Westmorland and Furness Council
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
- The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire
- The Prince's Trust
- The Prince's Trust
- London Borough of Hackney
- Ministry of Justice
How Do I Bid for Education and Training Services Tenders?
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