UK Bandages Tenders
Total Tenders publishes tenders from over 4000 UK companies and organisations.
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Latest Bandages Tenders
supply of Non-Wire Lesion Localisation & Sentinel Lymph Node Location Products
Supply of consumable - SPS12 12cm x 14G Pintuition seed in a pre-loaded needle. The Pintuition Base Unit and Probes are capital elements currently on loan to the...
Contract Value: £263,520
Tender Category: Bandages
Ten Second Triage - First Aid Equipment
New equipment request. Expenditure of 14908.90 to purchase Ten Second Triage (TST - First Aid) equipment for the organisation in the event of a mass casualty incident occurring. Equipment consists of: 3100 slap bands 370 tourniquets 370 trauma dressings The new First Aid Learning Program (FALP)...
Contract Value: £14,909
Buying Organisation: The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside
Tender Category: Bandages
P-2939 Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Translink is looking for a competent supplier to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to its stores locations in Northern Ireland. This will be an initial 3-year contract with possible further extensions for up to 2 years. Anticipated Contract Start Date is January 2025. Your response must...
Contract Value: £950,000
Buying Organisation: Translink
Tender Category: Bandages
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Lymphoedema Compression Garments
Provision of Lymphoedema Compression...
Contract Value: £52,500 to £122,500
Buying Organisation: Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust
Tender Category: Bandages
YAS 432 2022_23 Olaes Bandages
Contract Value: £25,775
Buying Organisation: Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Tender Category: Bandages
YAS 431 2022_23 Russell Chest Seals Blast Bandages
Contract Value: £34,027
Buying Organisation: Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Tender Category: Bandages
Supply and Delivery of First Aid Materials
This contract notice is in relation to a renewal framework opportunity for Supply and Delivery of First Aid...
Contract Value: £6,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scotland Excel
Tender Category: Bandages
Medical and First Aid Items for NIFRS
Medical and First Aid Items for...
Contract Value: £180,000
Buying Organisation: NI Fire and Rescue Services
Tender Category: Bandages
Advanced Wound Care and Lymphoedema Products and Services
The Advanced Wound Care & Lymphoedema Products and Services Framework Agreement allows for customers in both Primary and Secondary Care settings to procure Products and Services which have been clinically evaluated and deemed fit for purpose to improve overall patient...
Contract Value: £1,000,000 to £500,000,000
Buying Organisation: EU SUPPLY LIMITED
Tender Category: Bandages
NHS Supply Chain seeks to establish a framework agreement which will cover a large range of products to help influence ideal wound healing environments, prevent infection and skin breakage including, but not limited to general use bandages, medical swabs, gauze absorbents, cotton wool, first aid...
Contract Value: £55,500,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Bandages
NHS Supply Chain seeks to establish a framework agreement which will cover a large range of products to help influence ideal wound healing environments, prevent infection and skin breakage including, but not limited to general use bandages, medical swabs, gauze absorbents, cotton wool, first aid...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
Tender Category: Bandages
Contract Value: £15,830,000
Buying Organisation: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
Tender Category: Bandages
Supply and Delivery of First Aid Materials
This contract notice is in relation to a renewal framework opportunity for Supply and Delivery of First Aid...
Contract Value: £6,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scotland Excel
Tender Category: Bandages
Medical and First Aid Items for NIFRS
Medical and First Aid Items for...
Contract Value: £180,000
Buying Organisation: NI Fire and Rescue Services
Tender Category: Bandages
Supply and Delivery of First Aid Materials
This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is in relation to a renewal framework opportunity for First Aid...
Contract Value: £4,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scotland Excel
Tender Category: Bandages
Surgical Dressings and Miscellaneous Products
Surgical Dressings and Miscellaneous...
Contract Value: £37,950,000
Buying Organisation: Department of Justice NI
Tender Category: Bandages
Contract Value: £15,000,000
Buying Organisation: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
Tender Category: Bandages
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Bandages Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Bandages Tenders:
- The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside
- Translink
- Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Scotland Excel
- NI Fire and Rescue Services
- NHS Supply Chain
- NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
- The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
- Department of Justice NI
How Do I Bid for Bandages Tenders?
The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Bandages Tenders.
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