UK Electrocardiography Devices Tenders
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Latest Electrocardiography Devices Tenders
Purchase of Eclipse Pro...
Contract Value: £91,124
Buying Organisation: The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Supply of 120 x Multi-Channel ECG Machines
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust invites tenders for the supply of 120 x multi-channel ECG machines to replace its aging fleet of GE MAC 3500 machines. Tender documents are available to download from the Trust's e-sourcing portal hosted by Jaggaer One (formerly...
Contract Value: £200,000
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Supply of 120 x Multi-Channel ECG Machines
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like to purchase 120 x multi-channel ECG machines to replace its aging fleet of GE MAC 3500...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Contract Value: £36,213
Buying Organisation: The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn Nhs Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Electrodes, Ultrasound Gel, Defibrillation and Related Consumables
The Framework Agreement is for the supply of electrodes, ultrasound gel, defibrillation and related consumables including: ultrasound gel including non-sterile and sterile in various containers e.g. sachets, tubes, bottles; ECG electodes including tab, onset, offset and dual connector with either...
Contract Value: £55,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Electrodes, Ultrasound Gel, Defibrillation and Related Consumables
The Framework Agreement is for the supply of electrodes, ultrasound gel, defibrillation and related consumables including: ultrasound gel including non-sterile and sterile in various containers e.g. sachets, tubes, bottles; ECG electodes including tab, onset, offset and dual connector with either...
Contract Value: £55,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
55 x SC - MAC 7 National Framework Agreement for Electrocardiograph (ECG) Equipment and Related Accessories. Contract Reference Number: 2022/S 000-000127 Unique Reference Number for this order:...
Contract Value: £456,143
Buying Organisation: Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
CA11311 - Mobile Resting Electrocardiograph (ECG) Machines x 4
Opportunity to provide 4 x Resting Electrocardiograph (ECG), inclusive of warranty, delivery, installation, service plan, training and instruction booklet. To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA11311. Not registered: Visit...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: New College Swindon
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
24 x Eclipse Mini and Sensor & 6 x Eclipse Pro (Long Cables)
24 x Eclipse Mini and Sensor & 6 x Eclipse Pro (Long...
Contract Value: £39,150
Buying Organisation: Clinical Procurement Partner
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Cardiac Diagnostics Equipment, Technologies, and Related Equipment and Services
NHS Supply Chain seeks to establish a non-exclusive Framework Agreement for supply to the NHS Supply Chain customer base for cardiac diagnostic equipment including ECG devices, ambulatory ECG devices, ambulatory blood pressure monitors, cardiac stress testing, cardiopulmonary function testing,...
Contract Value: £60,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Electrodes Ultrasound Gels Defibrillation and Related Consumables
"This Framework Agreement is for the supply of ECG Electrodes, Ultrasound Gels, Defibrillation and Related Consumables. Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £12,600,000 to £14,200,000 GBP in the first year of this...
Contract Value: £56,800,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Provision of a Managed Service Contract for Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratories
This Prior Information Notice (PIN) follows the PIN released on 24th January 2022 reference 2022/S 000-002062 and all information herein supersedes this. This Prior Information Notice is not a call for competition
This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is separate to any tender opportunity...
Contract Value: £350,000,000
Buying Organisation: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Tender Category: Electrocardiography devices
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Electrocardiography Devices Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Electrocardiography Devices Tenders:
- The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn Nhs Foundation Trust
- NHS Supply Chain
- Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
- New College Swindon
- Clinical Procurement Partner
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
How Do I Bid for Electrocardiography Devices Tenders?
The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Electrocardiography Devices Tenders.
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