UK Forest Conservation Strategy Planning Tenders

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Latest Forest Conservation Strategy Planning Tenders

DAERA - NIEA - Eastern Mournes Wildfire Recovery Project

Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)/ NI Environmental Agency (NIEA) is seeking to appoint an experienced, competent and suitably qualified wildfire expert or consortium of experts to develop three comprehensive wildfire management plans and other wildfire related...

Contract Value: £605,000

Buying Organisation: DAERA: Northern Ireland Environmental Agency NIEA

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS309-02 Developing a fitness test for industry resilience to water scarcity and the implications

The Supplier shall develop a methodology which can be applied in England which considers the readiness of key sectors and industries to water scarcity and drought, and how likely implementation plans or a lack them, pose a risk to the natural environment. The supplier is not required to implement...

Contract Value: £41,842

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS307-12 Monitoring progress in expenditure towards biodiversity targets

The overarching objective of this work is to provide the OEP with the capability to monitor the delivery expenditure of actions in the annual reporting period. The OEP intends to apply the outputs of this research to inform its reporting on Government's progress in delivering its Environmental...

Contract Value: £35,880

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

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COS403-01 Understanding stakeholders' perceptions of the OEP and its impact

The objectives of this work are to: Understand how the OEP is perceived by its stakeholders; and identify opportunities for increasing the impact of the OEP's work. These objectives will be achieved through delivery of the following project elements, as described further in Section 5: Stakeholder...

Contract Value: £33,420

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS309-01 review environmental standards for aquatic ecological impacts from nutrient pollution Eng

Objectives The overarching aim of this project is to provide the OEP with an initial understanding of whether existing nutrient environmental quality standards underpinning the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017, reflect best available evidence. This...

Contract Value: £79,895

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS309-01 review environmental standards for aquatic ecological impacts from nutrient pollution Eng

Objectives The overarching aim of this project is to provide the OEP with an initial understanding of whether existing nutrient environmental quality standards underpinning the Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017, reflect best available evidence. This...

Contract Value: £79,895

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS301-04 Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI

3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the...

Contract Value: £83,910 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

INS301-04 Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI

3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the...

Contract Value: £75,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest Finance (LEAF) Coalition evaluation

...Forest finance (LEAF) Coalition is a voluntary global coalition bringing together the private sector and governments to provide carbon market finance for tropical and subtropical forest conservation. Reversing deforestation is essential to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework. One way...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: DESNZ

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Trees on Tees Community Plan

...Forest Plan which will be submitted to Defra in March 2025. The Forest Plan will set out the approach to deliver enhancement in Tees Valley through 2025 - 2050. The aim of the Forest Plan is to define the Forest's vision and objectives and state how...

Contract Value: £49,800

Buying Organisation: Tees Valley Combined Authority

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Consultancy Services to Review 27 Conservation Areas in the Forest of Dean

...Conservation Areas within the Forest of Dean District (FoDD) and identify some priorities for supporting them and enabling them to be supported.

Contract Value: £50,000 to £60,000

Buying Organisation: Forest of Dean District Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Remotely sensed land cover classification for Itremo PA management

Development of a land use cover map will contribute to the overall aims and objectives of the BLF Madagascar project. It will provide a baseline for monitoring LUC going forward and to plan and organise activities linked to biodiversity protection and sustainable livelihoods development in the...

Contract Value: £20,000

Buying Organisation: Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Sheffield City Council Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework

Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework agreement - to maintain the Sheffield City Council estate. The decision to enter into this contract was taken by the officer with the delegated authority on the 20th October...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Sheffield City Council Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework

Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework agreement - to maintain the Sheffield City Council...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Sheffield City Council Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework

Woodlands & Countryside Maintenance Framework agreement - to maintain the Sheffield City Council...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Creation of Ponds within the Skell Valley

We are looking for a contractor to create three wildlife ponds to specification, for natural flood management for the purpose of natural flood management. The creation of these ponds is to retain water whilst providing multiple...

Contract Value: £45,000 to £55,000

Buying Organisation: Harrogate Borough Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Creation of Ponds within the Skell Valley

We are looking for a contractor to create three wildlife ponds to specification, for natural flood management for the purpose of natural flood management. The creation of these ponds is to retain water whilst providing multiple...

Contract Value: £45,000 to £55,000

Buying Organisation: Harrogate Borough Council

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Tender for a Framework: Provision of Natural England Planning Related Advice Professional Services (NE PRAPS)

This procurement is being carried out by Defra Group Commercial in accordance with the Open Procedure as set out in the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR) on behalf of Natural England and Arm's Length Bodies. Natural England is setting up the framework to appoint the services of suppliers,...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Defra Network eTendering Portal

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

all for Applications for the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund Grant Competition in Andes Amazon

The Authority is now calling for applications with respect to the Andes Amazon landscape. Interested parties are encouraged to review the ITA as soon as possible. The deadline for receipt of clarification questions is 17:00 hours on Friday 21 October. The deadline for receipt of applications is...

Contract Value: £12,300,000

Buying Organisation: Defra Network eTendering Portal

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Call for Applications for the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund Grant Competition in Western Congo Basin

The Authority is now calling for applications with respect to the Western Congo Basin landscape. Interested parties are encouraged to review the ITA as soon as possible. The deadline for receipt of clarification questions is 17:00 hours on Friday 21 October. The deadline for receipt of applications...

Contract Value: £12,300,000

Buying Organisation: Defra Network eTendering Portal

Tender Category: Forest conservation strategy planning

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Forest Conservation Strategy Planning Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Forest Conservation Strategy Planning Tenders:

  • DAERA: Northern Ireland Environmental Agency NIEA
  • Office for Environmental Protection
  • Tees Valley Combined Authority
  • Forest of Dean District Council
  • Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  • Sheffield City Council
  • Harrogate Borough Council
  • Defra Network eTendering Portal

How Do I Bid for Forest Conservation Strategy Planning Tenders?

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