UK Housing Services Tenders
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Latest Housing Services Tenders
Dynamic Purchasing System - Temporary Accommodation
The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking qualified partners to join a formal Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), to provide temporary accommodation for homeless households. The values within this notice are for a 5+2 year period. The Council intends to award to providers via mini-competitions as...
Contract Value: £29,400,000
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Hillingdon
Tender Category: Housing services
...housing maintenance & repair for both tenanted and void/vacant properties. Featuring a vast range of both planned and reactive maintenance & repair services, the agreement also provides access to essential compliance services such as fire safety, electrical testing & asbestos management. It can help achieve Net...
Contract Value: £500,000,000
Buying Organisation: Crown Commercial Service
Tender Category: Housing services
...Housing & Homelessness team are intending to source a provider to support families move from temporary accommodation into private rented sector accommodation. The aim of this engagement is to provide an outline of our procurement intentions to potential providers and to understand the market's scope of...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Coventry City Council (COV)
Tender Category: Housing services
...Housing First Support Service for vulnerable people with multiple and complex needs who are homeless or have slept rough in King's Lynn and West Norfolk.
Contract Value: £453,960
Buying Organisation: Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
Tender Category: Housing services
...Housing First Support Service for vulnerable people with multiple and complex needs who are homeless or have slept rough in Kings Lynn and West Norfolk.
Contract Value: £453,960
Buying Organisation: Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
Tender Category: Housing services
Digital Access to St Leger Homes' Services digitally and what products are available. We are using the assessment process to explore opportunities and benchmark pricing structures in the market and to help inform which digital functionality will best provide value for money for the organisation and deliver an improved service to our...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Housing services
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ST24-P232 - Female Supported Accommodation (Hostel) - Mariposa House
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, on behalf of the South London Partnership (SLP) are seeking a social care provider to join us in the day to day management and support of a 24 hour supported hostel in partnership with our Forensic Community Service (FCS) team that includes our Consultant Clinical...
Contract Value: £3,000,000
Buying Organisation: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Housing services
Esgyn Service Learning and Disabilities Floating Support)
...Housing related support. THIS TENDER IS NOT FOR A CARE SERVICE,
Contract Value: £537,500
Buying Organisation: Vale of Glamorgan Council
Tender Category: Housing services
ESPH AB HBC Accommodate and Connect - Immediate accommodation of rough sleepers (MP063 JB)
Hastings Borough Council, leading and in partnership with Eastbourne, Lewes, Rother, and Wealden Councils, have been successfully awarded the contract for the delivery of a new test and learn project funded by the Centre for Homelessness Impact, Accommodate and Connect. The project aims to remove...
Contract Value: £40,000 to £50,000
Buying Organisation: Hastings Borough Council
Tender Category: Housing services
Single persons Housing project and tenancy sustainment officer
...housing project and tenancy sustainment officer. This exercise is being managed through the Council's Electronic tendering system Proactis. To Register an Interest and submit a tender for this opportunity please click on the link below, Project reference number DN748989
Contract Value: £251,958
Buying Organisation: Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Tender Category: Housing services
Rough Sleepers Initiative Lot 2 Management of RBK HMO including support & SWEP are intrinsically linked to the services previously awarded to a provider for Rough Sleeping Services Lot 1 - Outreach/ Inreach service, Navigator service & use of providers own HMO accommodation (8 rooms) including support. Should the services/ intervention for Lot 2 be awarded to a...
Contract Value: £543,000
Buying Organisation: The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Tender Category: Housing services commissioned in the borough. The services will work across King's Lynn and West Norfolk and will support people to access and maintain suitable, safe accommodation. The Council is open to creative ideas as to how the service(s) could be delivered and how you could bring...
Contract Value: £756,600
Buying Organisation: Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk
Tender Category: Housing services
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) and Birmingham Womens and Childrens NHS Foundation Trust Forward Thinking Birmingham are agreeing a multi-agency collaborative to provide short stay environments for individuals experiencing an acute mental health crisis, aged 18+....
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Housing services
Recovery House Including Staffing
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) and Birmingham Womens and Childrens NHS Foundation Trust Forward Thinking Birmingham are agreeing a multi-agency collaborative to provide short stay environments for individuals experiencing an acute mental health crisis, aged 18+....
Contract Value: £1,000,000
Buying Organisation: Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Housing services
ESPH NB HBC Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) (ESPH652 JB)
...Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to provide 25 accommodation placements with support through the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP). The grant is for a fixed 3-year period, from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2027. The purpose of the project is to provide accommodation with support in...
Contract Value: £1,300,000
Buying Organisation: Hastings Borough Council
Tender Category: Housing services
ESPH NB HBC Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (ESPH652 JB)
...Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to provide 25 accommodation placements with support through the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP). The grant is for a fixed 3-year period, from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2027.The purpose of the project is to provide accommodation with support in Hastings...
Contract Value: £1,300,000
Buying Organisation: Hastings Borough Council
Tender Category: Housing services
Broadway Living Housing Services Procurement
...housing management and maintenance service to a small local authority development company and is subsidiary RP
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Broadway Living Ltd.
Tender Category: Housing services
Temporary Accommodation Services
Flagship Group is looking for the service provision of coordination and arrangement of temporary accommodation to meet the needs of Flagship tenants whilst decanted from their homes e.g. due to flood, fire, major works...
Contract Value: £450,000
Buying Organisation: Flagship Housing Group
Tender Category: Housing services
Social Housing Emerging Disruptors (SHED) 4 Framework
...Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve...
Contract Value: £100,000,000
Buying Organisation: Procurement for Housing
Tender Category: Housing services
Procurement of Tenancy Ready...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Housing services
PROC.90.005 Recovery House Including Staffing
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) and Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust Forward Thinking Birmingham are agreeing a multi-agency collaborative to provide short stay environments for individuals experiencing an acute mental health crisis, aged...
Contract Value: £100,000
Buying Organisation: BSOL Procurement Collaborative
Tender Category: Housing services
PROC.90.019 Recovery House Premises Only
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) and Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust Forward Thinking Birmingham are agreeing a multi-agency collaborative to provide short stay environments for individuals experiencing an acute mental health crisis, aged...
Contract Value: £100,000
Buying Organisation: BSOL Procurement Collaborative
Tender Category: Housing services will be to provide emergency and short term statutory temporary accommodation with resettlement floating support to prevent the most vulnerable people from experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping. This includes individuals or families who are legally homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless within 56 days....
Contract Value: £11,388,000
Buying Organisation: City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Tender Category: Housing services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Housing Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Housing Services Tenders:
- London Borough of Hillingdon
- Crown Commercial Service
- Coventry City Council (COV)
- Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
- City of Doncaster Council
- Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
- Vale of Glamorgan Council
- Hastings Borough Council
- Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
- The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
- Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk
- Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
- Broadway Living Ltd.
- Flagship Housing Group
- Procurement for Housing
- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
- BSOL Procurement Collaborative
- BSOL Procurement Collaborative
- City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
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