UK Meal Delivery Service Tenders
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Latest Meal Delivery Service Tenders
TRN-24-002 Transport of School Meals
TRN-24-002 Transport of School...
Contract Value: £21,000,000
Buying Organisation: the Education Authority
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Catering - Delivered Ready Prepared Meals (DPRM)
...Meal (DPRM) Catering service intended for use at Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear (CNTW) NHS Foundation Trust (the Authority). NTW Solutions Limited (the Authority) is acting on behalf of the Authority (jointly referred to as the Authority) who reserves the right to award the contract in...
Contract Value: £471,000
Buying Organisation: NTW Solutions Ltd
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Catering - Delivered Ready Prepared Meals (DPRM)
...Meal (DPRM) Catering service intended for use at Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear (CNTW) NHS Foundation Trust (the Authority). NTW Solutions Limited (the Authority) is acting on behalf of the Authority (jointly referred to as the Authority) who reserves the right to award the contract in...
Contract Value: £471,000
Buying Organisation: NTW Solutions Ltd
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Courier Services - Question Paper Delivery
Delivery service
Contract Value: £520,000
Buying Organisation: Scottish Qualifications Authority
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
SCC WT School Meal Transportation
...meal that meets the Government School Food Standards. There is a requirement in each of these settings to provide a transported school meal service from another school.
Contract Value: £1,250,000
Buying Organisation: Surrey County Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
SCC WT School Meal Transportation
...meal that meets the Government School Food Standards. There is a requirement in each of these settings to provide a transported school meal service from another school.
Contract Value: £1,250,000
Buying Organisation: Surrey County Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Provision of Delivered Ready Prepared Meals
Additional spend on Delivered Ready Prepared Meals contract for contract extension period. The contract is for Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation...
Contract Value: £417,790 to £835,580
Buying Organisation: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Provision of Transport of School Meals of school meals with an Initial one year contract term with the potential to extend for up to x3 12-Month periods.
Contract Value: £14,000 to £56,000
Buying Organisation: Kirklees Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Provision of Transport of School Meals of school meals with an Initial one year contract term with the potential to extend for up to x3 12-Month periods.
Contract Value: £14,000 to £56,000
Buying Organisation: Kirklees Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Frozen Ready Meals - St Luke's and St Patrick's Care Homes
...Meal Service to St Luke's and St Patrick's Care Homes. Call-Off via the ESPO Framework.
Contract Value: £631,755
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
...meal traditionally consists of a main option, along with the choice of two vegetables (sides) and a pudding to follow. Our schemes have a wide range of burlodge equipment in place that we want to fully utilise to heat the meals and serves to our customers....
Contract Value: £400,000
Buying Organisation: The Swaythling Housing Society Limited T/A Abri
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Transportation of Food Containers
Framework Agreement for the Transport of Food Containers to schools, nurseries and lunch clubs within the Edinburgh catchment...
Contract Value: £1,875,000
Buying Organisation: The City of Edinburgh Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is designing a proof of concept to test whether we can provide a significantly better in-year tax calculator for income tax and National Insurance Contributions for our self-employed and other self-assessment customers. To deliver this, the proof of concept seeks to...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: H M Revenue & Customs
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Contract for the provision of a School Meals Transport Service to cover the Nottinghamshire County area. School meals will be collected from Production Kitchens and delivered to Receiving Schools on a daily basis, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England, throughout the school...
Contract Value: £136,000
Buying Organisation: Nottinghamshire County Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Nottinghamshire County Council (the Council) is seeking bids for the provision of a School Meals Transport Service to cover the Nottinghamshire County area. School meals will be collected from production kitchens and delivered to schools (receiving kitchens) on a daily basis, Monday to Friday...
Contract Value: £136,000
Buying Organisation: Nottinghamshire County Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
In response to HMRC's Summer 2021 Call for Evidence on opportunities and challenges of timely payment for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) and Corporation Tax for small companies, respondents: recognised smaller, more frequent payments could benefit some taxpayers, e.g., with lower incomes or...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: H M Revenue & Customs
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
704_22 Outsourced Catering Services
ESPO is seeking to renew its framework agreement for outsourced catering services and is looking to identify and appoint a number of service providers to provide a wide range of catering services to customers across the public sector: Lot 1 - Education Catering Lot 2 - Social Care Catering Lot 3 -...
Contract Value: £400,000,000
Buying Organisation: ESPO
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
WSCC AE Meals on Wheels Service - AWARD
...meal option for Customers accessing those services. Nutritionally balanced meals which meet the recommended National Association of Care Catering (NACC) standards for community meals are to be provided.
Contract Value: £6,000,000 to £8,400,000
Buying Organisation: West Sussex County Council (CAP)
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Supply and Delivery of Community Meals
This framework will provide councils and other participating bodies with a mechanism to procure a range of well-balanced, healthy and nutritious community meals delivered to people in their own homes, community venues and council...
Contract Value: £18,600,000
Buying Organisation: Scotland Excel
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Supply and Delivery of Community Meals
...Delivery of Community Meals Anticipated development of a fourth-generation national framework agreement for supply and delivery of community meals, which may include frozen or hot meals delivered to people in their own homes or to local authority nominated premises. This notice includes a survey for interested...
Contract Value: £16,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scotland Excel
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Transportation of Food Containers
The City of Edinburgh Council is looking to gauge interest within the market in regard to proposed Transportation of Food Containers to other schools, nurseries, and lunch clubs within the Edinburgh catchment area. The purpose of this PIN is for Prior Information and market engagement purposes only...
Contract Value: £1,875,000
Buying Organisation: The City of Edinburgh Council
Tender Category: Meal delivery service
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Meal Delivery Service Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Meal Delivery Service Tenders:
- the Education Authority
- NTW Solutions Ltd
- Scottish Qualifications Authority
- Surrey County Council
- United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Kirklees Council
- The Swaythling Housing Society Limited T/A Abri
- The City of Edinburgh Council
- H M Revenue & Customs
- Nottinghamshire County Council
- West Sussex County Council (CAP)
- Scotland Excel
How Do I Bid for Meal Delivery Service Tenders?
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