UK Non Residential Property Renting or Leasing Services Tenders
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Latest Non Residential Property Renting or Leasing Services Tenders
Accommodation Services for Contractors
We are seeking suppliers to support our serviced accommodation services for contractors in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands. The opportunity involves providing well-maintained, high-quality accommodation that meets the needs of contractors working in the area. Below are the details of the...
Contract Value: £15,000 to £25,000
Buying Organisation: Baileys Properties
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
The Provision of School Lettings
Outwood Grange Trust "The Trust" is seeking detailed Tenders for The provision of School Lettings including a booking system and a full managed lettings...
Contract Value: £2,000,000
Buying Organisation: Outwood Grange Academies Trust
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Collaborative Learning Trust, Chippindale Pool Tender- Otley
Tender for lettings partner for Chippindale Swimming Pool at Price Henry's Grammar School, Collaborative Learning Trust,...
Contract Value: £400,000 to £600,000
Buying Organisation: Red Kite Learning Trust
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Sittingbourne, Sheerness and Faversham Markets A1210
Swale Borough Council is inviting Expressions of Interest to tender for Sittingbourne, Sheerness and Faversham Market Contract retender. The contract will involve provision of the borough's three street markets, in the towns of Faversham, Sittingbourne and Sheerness. Swale Borough Council is...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Swale Borough Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
ITT for Computer-Based (CD) and Paper-Based (PB) IELTS Venue Hire Agreement in Algiers
The British Council exams function in Algeria is seeking for a venue hire to conduct CD & PB IELTS Exams in Algiers, the venue should be matching to the specifications and requirement highlighted in clause (7 Specification) of this RFP. The purpose and scope of this RFP and supporting documents...
Contract Value: £100,000 to £240,000
Buying Organisation: British Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Lease Advisory Consultancy Services
LEASE ADVISORY CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO VARIOUS SITES (LAND AND BUILDINGS) ACROSS ENGLAND NHS PS require a partner agent(s) to act as advisor/ negotiator with regards to Rent Reviews, Lease Renewals, lease re-gears, new lettings and other events it sees...
Contract Value: £5,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Property Services
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Lease Advisory Consultancy Services
NHS PS is seeking to appoint suppliers for lease advisory consultancy services across the property portfolio via an open...
Contract Value: £5,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Property Services Limited
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Rent Reviews for Field House and Taylor House - London (HMCTS)
Rent Reviews for Field House and Taylor House - London...
Contract Value: £40,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Pervasive Media Studio Watershed Estimated Service Charge to 31/10/2024
Pervasive Media Studio Watershed Estimated Service Charge to...
Contract Value: £46,875
Buying Organisation: University Of The West Of England
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Festival Area Floor Protection for Graduation Event
To provide a trackway product to install a roadway system for the Graduation event. A single action tender has been...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
To supply multiple marquee-type structures throughout the event space for the graduation event 2025. A single action tender has been...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
CPT_24_39 Leasing Agent Services
The National Audit Office (NAO) awarded a contract to Align Property Partners Limited using Lot 2: Estate (Property) Management and Lot 3: Agency and Lease Management of Crown Commercial Services Estate Management services Framework. The selected supplier will be supporting the NAO with marketing...
Contract Value: £250,000
Buying Organisation: National Audit Office
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
NCC1296 Temporary Storage and Site Accommodation
The Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint a contractor to provide hire of Temporary Storage & Site Accommodation units including all maintenance, delivery and collection, testing, operator training, monitoring and where applicable weekly servicing of toilets and consumables throughout the...
Contract Value: £2,000,000
Buying Organisation: Northumberland County Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
NCC1296 Temporary Storage and Site Accommodation
The Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint a contractor to provide hire of Temporary Storage & Site Accommodation units including all maintenance, delivery and collection, testing, operator training, monitoring and where applicable weekly servicing of toilets and consumables throughout the...
Contract Value: £2,000,000
Buying Organisation: Northumberland County Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
NCC1296 Temporary Storage and Site Accommodation
The Contracting Authority is seeking to appoint a contractor to provide hire of Temporary Storage & Site Accommodation units including all maintenance, delivery and collection, testing, operator training, monitoring and where applicable weekly servicing of toilets and consumables throughout the...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Northumberland County Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
HCC - 08/24 - The Provision of Property Management Services
Hertfordshire County Council is currently out to procurement for the Provision of Property Management Services The Council is seeking to work with a Contractor who will lead in the property management of the Estate and the delivery of the Council's strategic direction for the Estate. The Contractor...
Contract Value: £8,500,000 to £11,900,000
Buying Organisation: Hertfordshire County Council - Resources
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
External room hire for January 2025...
Contract Value: £78,144
Buying Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX(THE)
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Management Contract of WBC Commercial Property Portfolio - AWARD
It is proposed to seek to appoint a property agent through Lot 1 (Total Estate Management) of Crown Commercial Services framework RM6168 - Estate Management Services. The following is a list of the key services expected of the contract: o Disposals; Disposal of assets within the portfolio,...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: West Berkshire Council
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Ark would like to procure a service to manage the administration and operation of external hires and lettings on behalf of our schools Ark is a network of 39 schools in the UK, in Birmingham, Hastings, London and Portsmouth. Each of our schools has its own distinctive character, reflecting its...
Contract Value: £1,080,000
Buying Organisation: Ark Schools
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Temporary Serviced Office Space for NHSE South Staff in Oxford
This is a short term service contract with Podium Eastpoint Limited who currently provide office space to NHSE staff located in Oxford. This will enable NHSE to identify a long term accommodation...
Contract Value: £72,690
Buying Organisation: NHS Engalnd
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
The Provision of a Lease for a Commercial Warehouse in support of Ex Avenger Triad 24
This is not an opportunity, it is the publication of a contract award notice in accordance with the Govt's transparency...
Contract Value: £300,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
2023/24 costs related to the Business Support project
Rent/Service Charges/Business...
Contract Value: £44,105
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Linen Hall - Leasing agent appointment
Linen Hall - Leasing agent...
Contract Value: £20,000
Buying Organisation: The Crown Estate
Tender Category: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Non Residential Property Renting or Leasing Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Non Residential Property Renting or Leasing Services Tenders:
- Baileys Properties
- Outwood Grange Academies Trust
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Swale Borough Council
- British Council
- NHS Property Services
- NHS Property Services Limited
- Ministry of Justice
- University Of The West Of England
- National Audit Office
- Northumberland County Council
- Hertfordshire County Council - Resources
- West Berkshire Council
- Ark Schools
- NHS Engalnd
- Ministry of Defence
- The Crown Estate
How Do I Bid for Non Residential Property Renting or Leasing Services Tenders?
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