UK Orthopaedic Beds Tenders
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Latest Orthopaedic Beds Tenders
...Beds Category 4 Seating Category 5 Mobility Category 6 Pressure Reducing Equipment Category 7 Manual handling and transferring Category 8 Toileting Category 9 Children's Equipment The aim of the planned preventative maintenance services, inspections and repairs is to ensure that all equipment issued by WCES is...
Contract Value: £2,205,000
Buying Organisation: Worcestershire County Council
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
Local authorities in England have a statutory duty to plan for the provision of certain home-based services, including the provision of disability aids and "community equipment", to meet the assessed eligible needs of service users who are ordinarily resident in their area. The supply of Community...
Contract Value: £360,000,000
Buying Organisation: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
The Supply of Bedding and Mattresses
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by...
Contract Value: £13,000,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
The Supply of Bedding and Mattresses
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the Prime Contract). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe...
Contract Value: £13,000,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply Limited
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by...
Contract Value: £800,000 to £1,900,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
The Supply of Bedding and Mattresses
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by...
Contract Value: £10,160,000 to £25,400,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
Notice of Award for the Framework Agreement of the London Community Equipment Consortium tender. Local authorities in England have a statutory duty to plan for the provision of certain home-based services, including the provision of disability aids and "community equipment", to meet the assessed...
Contract Value: £360,000,000
Buying Organisation: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
...Beds in spring 2023, with a view to award a contract that will commence late in 2023 for a period of up to 4 years. The requirement is for the supply of Adjustable Beds throughout the United Kingdom, Overseas and to the Defence Fulfilment Centre if...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
The Supply of Bedding and Mattresses
Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the Prime Contract). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe...
Contract Value: £12,700,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Orthopaedic beds
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Orthopaedic Beds Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Orthopaedic Beds Tenders:
- Worcestershire County Council
- Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
- Leidos Supply
- Leidos Supply Limited
How Do I Bid for Orthopaedic Beds Tenders?
The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Orthopaedic Beds Tenders.
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