UK Refuse Incineration Services Tenders
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Latest Refuse Incineration Services Tenders
Tender for the Receipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (including Energy from Waste)
Bristol Waste Company is seeking to award a Contract for the Receipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (Energy from Waste) for an Initial Term of 2 years with an option for BWC to extend the Contract on one or more occasions up to a further 3 years. The Contract is for waste collected...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Bristol Waste Company
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
INS301-04 Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI
3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the...
Contract Value: £75,000 to £100,000
Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Framework Agreement for the provision of Waste Management Services
HealthTrust Europe is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of Waste Management Services, the framework shall have 7 Lots: Lot 1 - Domestic/Recycling Waste Lot 2 - Clinical Waste Lot 3 - Reusable Sharps Waste Lot 4 - Confidential Waste Lot 5 - Total Waste Management Lot 6 -...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE)
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
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NOE CPC Total Waste Management Services III
...Incineration Lot 3 - Reusable Sharps & Related Waste Lot 4 - Washroom Waste Lot 5A - Confidential Shredding Lot 5B - Secure IT (WEEE) Recycling & Recovery Lot 5C - Uniforms & Textiles
Contract Value: £1,000 to £800,000,000
Buying Organisation: North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
NOE CPC Total Waste Management Services III
This framework agreement is split into 11 Lots covering the main waste services contracted by
the NHS and wider public sector bodies. It aims to provide a compliant route to market for
contracting authorities for a safe, sustainable, and efficient waste management service...
Contract Value: £800,000,000
Buying Organisation: Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, trading as North of England NHS Commercial Procurement Collaborative ("NOE CPC")
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
East London Waste Authority (ELWA) is seeking to procure residual waste treatment services for Contract Waste delivered to the Contractor by the Authority. The service requirements will be divided into three separate contract Lots, which will be based on an exclusivity percentage of ELWA's Contract...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
East London Waste Authority (ELWA) is seeking to procure residual waste treatment services for Contract Waste delivered to the Contractor by the Authority. The service requirements will be divided into three separate contract Lots, which will be based on an exclusivity percentage of ELWAs Contract...
Contract Value: £830,000,000
Buying Organisation: East London Waste Authority
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Environmentally Sustainable Waste Reduction and Management for Hospitals
University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) and North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) require waste suppliers for the disposal of all waste streams. Both Trusts require waste reductions through improved segregation and lower carbon collection and treatment options to meet the NHS...
Contract Value: £13,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS South West - Acutes
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Environmentally Sustainable Waste Reduction and Management for Hospitals
University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) and North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) require waste suppliers for the disposal of all waste streams. Both Trusts require waste reductions through improved segregation and lower carbon collection and treatment options to meet the NHS...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Name: Bristol & Weston Purchasing Consortium
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Waste Collection Services for Portsmouth International Port
Portsmouth City Council ('the council') is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to provide waste collection services primarily at Portsmouth International Port ('the port'). The services required relate to the handling of waste generated directly at the port and...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Portsmouth City Council
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Waste Collection Services for Portsmouth International Port
Portsmouth City Council ('the council') is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to provide waste collection services primarily at Portsmouth International Port ('the port'). The following waste streams require collection: CORE WASTE STREAM REQUIREMENTS: - General waste - non...
Contract Value: £750,000
Buying Organisation: Portsmouth City Council
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
DHSC- Provision of Waste Collection and Disposal Services
The purpose of this procurement exercise is to source a waste disposal provider to manage and govern the collection, transportation, and disposal of PPE items from our warehouses and container...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
0928 Residual Waste Disposal Contract
Essex County Council (ECC) are seeking to procure Residual waste Disposal Services for the county of Essex. The contract will be Lotted as follows: Lot 1: Disposal of Residual Waste - 200,000 tonnes per annum Lot 2: Disposal of Residual Waste - 100,000 tonnes per annum Lot 3: Disposal of Residual...
Contract Value: £330,000,000 to £867,000,000
Buying Organisation: Essex County Council
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
RM6282 Clipper Award - PPE Disposal
Recycling and recovery services for unused...
Contract Value: £4,580,000
Buying Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Incineration of Radioactive Waste
...incineration contract will be soft combustible material, hard plastic materials and wood packaged primarily into steel 200ltr drums or fiber kegs. Aqueous & organic waste contained within plastic packages of varying volume (20L up to 1000L IBC) which may sometimes be over-drummed to facilitate transport. Some...
Contract Value: £200,000
Buying Organisation: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Skip Hire Provision for New College...
Contract Value: £26,000
Buying Organisation: Durham County Council
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
The Incineration and Disposal of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Materials
...Incineration of evidence deemed as hazardous and non-hazardous and the disposal of laboratory waste as appropriate
Contract Value: £60,000 to £200,000
Buying Organisation: Merseyside Police - Procurement Department
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Preliminary Market Consultation - Residual, Garden, Food and Bulky Items Waste
The contracts currently in place for the treatment and disposal of the Authorities municipal residual waste, garden waste and bulky items waste are due to end February 2023. North Lincolnshire Council is therefore undertaking a soft market testing exercise to help it determine the market appetite...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: North Lincolnshire Council
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Healthcare Waste...
Contract Value: £73,000,000
Buying Organisation: Business Services Organisation
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Provision of PPE Recycling Services
Recycling and recovery services for unused...
Contract Value: £11,700,000 to £17,500,000
Buying Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care
Tender Category: Refuse incineration services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Refuse Incineration Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Refuse Incineration Services Tenders:
- Bristol Waste Company
- Office for Environmental Protection
- HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE)
- North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, trading as North of England NHS Commercial Procurement Collaborative ("NOE CPC")
- London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
- East London Waste Authority
- NHS South West - Acutes
- Name: Bristol & Weston Purchasing Consortium
- Portsmouth City Council
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Essex County Council
- Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
- Durham County Council
- Merseyside Police - Procurement Department
- North Lincolnshire Council
- Business Services Organisation
How Do I Bid for Refuse Incineration Services Tenders?
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