UK School Catering Services Tenders
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Latest School Catering Services Tenders
Dynamic Purchasing System for Soft FM Services
Added Value Portal t/a Pagabo, acting on behalf of Red Kite Learning Trust, wish to appoint a range of Suppliers specialising in various aspects of Soft Facilities Management to a national Dynamic Purchasing Solution (DPS), available to all public sector bodies, including charities, within the UK...
Contract Value: £75,000,000
Buying Organisation: Red Kite Learning Trust
Tender Category: School catering services
Whitley and Eggborough Community Primary School Catering Tender
...School has decided to tender their catering services to investigate the financial and qualitative benefits they could be offered through this process. Whitley And Eggborough Community Primary School can support pupils on their education journey from whichever point they join the school, from Reception to Year...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: The Whitley & Eggborough CP School
Tender Category: School catering services
Hampshire Schools Cluster 6 - Catering Services Tender
...Catering service providers to tender for the provision of all catering services presently offered within the Schools, which currently includes some morning break, all lunch and all hospitality and free issue requirements.
Contract Value: £347,700
Buying Organisation: Marchwood Junior School
Tender Category: School catering services
Marches Academy Trust - Catering Services Tender
...Catering service providers to tender for the provision of all catering services presently offered within the Schools, which currently includes breakfast, morning break, lunch and all hospitality and free issue requirements.
Contract Value: £5,300,000
Buying Organisation: Marches Academy Trust
Tender Category: School catering services
Kingfisher Learning Trust - Cluster ~ Catering Tender
...Catering services across eleven primary Schools spearheaded by Michael Unsworth Trust COO, at Kingfisher Learning Trust.
Contract Value: £3,750,000
Buying Organisation: Livingstone Primary School
Tender Category: School catering services
Aylesbury High School ~ Catering Tender services for Aylesbury High School
Contract Value: £1,816,685
Buying Organisation: Aylesbury High School
Tender Category: School catering services
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Kingfisher Learning Trust - Cluster ~ Catering Tender
...Catering services across eleven primary Schools spearheaded by Michael Unsworth Trust COO, at Kingfisher Learning Trust.
Contract Value: £3,750,000
Buying Organisation: Stalyhill Junior School
Tender Category: School catering services
Aylesbury High School ~ Catering Tender services for Aylesbury High School
Contract Value: £1,816,685
Buying Organisation: Aylesbury High School
Tender Category: School catering services
Hereward College Catering Tender contract out to tender with a contract start date of 1st September 2025.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Hereward College
Tender Category: School catering services
Hereward College Catering Tender contract out to tender with a contract start date of 1st September 2025.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Hereward College
Tender Category: School catering services
Sexey's School ~ Catering Tender services for Sexey's School, part of Quantock Education Trust: Sexey's School, Cole Road, Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0DF
Contract Value: £1,087,494
Buying Organisation: Sexey's School
Tender Category: School catering services
JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School) - Catering Tender service to JCoSS a high-achieving, aspirational and inclusive school. As a pluralist Jewish school JCoSS represents something extremely special in Jewish and British education.
Contract Value: £2,875,000
Buying Organisation: JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School)
Tender Category: School catering services
JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School) - Catering Tender service to JCoSS a high-achieving, aspirational and inclusive school. As a pluralist Jewish school JCoSS represents something extremely special in Jewish and British education.
Contract Value: £2,875,000
Buying Organisation: JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School)
Tender Category: School catering services
Collaborative Education Trust ~ Catering Tender services for the four schools within The Collaborative Education Trust. The Trust consists of one Secondary and three primary schools in and around the Solihull area.
Contract Value: £3,267,500
Buying Organisation: Langley School
Tender Category: School catering services
Whitehall Infant & Junior Schools - Catering Services Tender
...Catering service providers to tender for the provision of all catering services presently offered within the Schools, which may include morning break, lunch and all hospitality and free issue requirements.
Contract Value: £1,192,770
Buying Organisation: Whitehall Junior School
Tender Category: School catering services
Whitehall Infant & Junior Schools - Catering Services Tender
...Catering service providers to tender for the provision of all catering services presently offered within the Schools, which may include morning break, lunch and all hospitality and free issue requirements.
Contract Value: £1,192,770
Buying Organisation: Whitehall Infant School
Tender Category: School catering services
Barham Primary School Catering Tender is putting its catering contract out to tender with a contract start date of 1st September 2025.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Barham Primary School
Tender Category: School catering services
St George's Academy ~ Catering Tender services at St George's Academy, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7PP and the Ruskington Campus at Sleaford Road, Ruskington, Lincolnshire, NG34 9BY
Contract Value: £1,600,000
Buying Organisation: St George's Academy
Tender Category: School catering services
SJB and Vineyard School Meals Tender 2025
An initial 3 year contract for the provision of a daily lunch service at St John the Baptist CE Primary School, Lower Teddington Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 4HQ. (av 175 meals per day) and The Vineyard School, Friars Stile Road, Richmond, TW10 6NE (av 486 meals per day). Subject to mutual...
Contract Value: £1,130,000
Tender Category: School catering services
The Provision of Catering Services - UoB
...Catering Services - University of Bedfordshire
Contract Value: £2,340,000
Buying Organisation: University of Bedfordshire
Tender Category: School catering services
PEP/ED/TwS Provision of School Catering 2025
...School Catering to schools under individual call-off contracts. The contract period will be for 3 years with the option to extend for up to a further 1 year, (3+1 year) by agreement with the council, schools, and the provider The Framework will be available to the...
Contract Value: £16,000,000 to £20,000,000
Buying Organisation: Bristol City Council
Tender Category: School catering services
Hart Schools Cluster Catering Tender contracts out to tender with contract start dates of 1st September 2025. You will be bidding for each school individually and the schools will be able to select their preferred company from the companies shortlisted to make presentations. There is no requirement for the schools...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Green Oaks Federation
Tender Category: School catering services
Northview Primary School Catering Tender is putting its catering contract out to tender with a contract start date of 1st September 2025 (TBC)
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Northview Primary School
Tender Category: School catering services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find School Catering Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued School Catering Services Tenders:
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- The Whitley & Eggborough CP School
- Marchwood Junior School
- Marches Academy Trust
- Livingstone Primary School
- Aylesbury High School
- Stalyhill Junior School
- Hereward College
- Sexey's School
- JCoSS (Jewish Community Secondary School)
- Langley School
- Whitehall Junior School
- Whitehall Infant School
- Barham Primary School
- St George's Academy
- University of Bedfordshire
- Bristol City Council
- Green Oaks Federation
- Northview Primary School
How Do I Bid for School Catering Services Tenders?
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