UK Services Related To the Detention or Rehabilitation of Criminals Tenders

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Prison Operator Services Framework Agreement - Generation Two - Early Market Engagement 3

...Services in England and Wales, beyond the expiry of the current Prison Operator Services Framework (POSF) Agreement in July 2025. (FTS PIN references: 2024/S 000-000092 & 2024/S 000-004241 and Contracts Finder PIN references: tender_366202/1297577 & tender_366202/1312237). As expressed in previous PINs, the Authority is keen to...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prison Operator Services Framework Agreement - Generation Two - Early Market Engagement 2

...Services in England and Wales, beyond the expiry of the current Prison Operator Services Framework (POSF) Agreement in July 2025. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is for the purpose of initiating market engagement activity with regards to Prison Operator Services as referred to in the previous...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prison Operator Services Framework Agreement - Generation Two - Early Market Engagement

...Services in England and Wales, beyond the expiry of the current Prison Operator Services Framework (POSF) Agreement in July 2025. Background: Prison Operator Services (also referred to as "Prison Management" in global markets) involves the provision of Operational Custodial Services and Facilities Management of prisons in...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prisoner Screening & Assessment Tools and Associated Services and sharing data using open standards. The vision for the S&A Tools is to: Implement high-quality, accessible tools that accurately identify prisoner ability levels and indicate potential needs. Enable collaboration with the Authority and PES providers to ensure continuous improvement so that the S&A tools...

Contract Value: £9,333,331

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Independent Approved Premises - Phase Two (Probation Service Regions provided in description)

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as the contracting authority intends to commission at least 4 contracts to provide Independent Approved Premise (IAP) across located in the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, Wales, West Midlands, East of England, South West, South Central and Kent...

Contract Value: £30,670,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prisoner Screening and Assessment Tools and Associated Services and sharing data using open standards. The vision for the S&A Tools contracts is to: - Implement high-quality, accessible tools that accurately identify prisoner ability levels and indicate potential needs. - Enable collaboration with the Authority and PES providers to ensure continuous improvement so that...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Independent Approved Premises - Phase 1 London and North West Probation Service Regions

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as the contracting authority intends to commission contracts to provide Independent Approved Premise (IAP) across 2 probation regions (London, North West). Approved Premises (APs) provide a critical community-based service to accommodate and manage high risk...

Contract Value: £26,790,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Custodial Detention Officer Provision

This contract is for the provision of Detention Officers to support the officers of West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police in their custody suites in the management of detainees.Please note that The Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia is acting as commissioning lead on behalf of...

Contract Value: £21,000,000

Buying Organisation: West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Custodial Healthcare Provision

...Services Healthcare Provision on behalf of West Mercia Police, Staffordshire Police and Warwickshire Police. The requirement is segmented into three lots and bidders may submit proposals for any and all geographical based lots.The Contract will commence on 1st September 2024 and shall run for a period...

Contract Value: £35,000,000

Buying Organisation: West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Procurement for the Provision of Prisoner Education Services (Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)) commissioned via the Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System (PEDPS). The CIAG Service is being procured separately to Core Education Provision (currently being procured Suppliers can bid for both Core Education and CIAG services This procurement will cover the provision of CIAG services in all...

Contract Value: £72,360,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Victim Engagement

...Services (YJS). The category of victim for the purposes of this Contract, falls within two areas, those recognised as corporate victims (i.e. local businesses, services affected by Youth Crime, and personal victims i.e. individuals and/or families affected by youth crime. To ensure that all Services meet...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Reparation and Unpaid Work

...Services in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham with the aim of helping children to understand the consequences of offending and take responsibility for their behaviour, in order to make amends for the harm caused by the offence. The Reparation and Unpaid work shall take place either directly...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Appropriate Adult Service

...Services 2019. To reduce offending and re-offending of Children and Vulnerable Adults in Sheffield, Doncaster, Barnsley, and Rotherham through a number of complementary Services, strategies both locally and nationally, and in accordance with National Standards. The Service Provider shall ensure that each above named Local Authority...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Reparation and Unpaid Work

...Services in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham with the aim of helping children to understand the consequences of offending and take responsibility for their behaviour, in order to make amends for the harm caused by the offence. The Reparation and Unpaid work shall take place either directly...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Victim Engagement

...Services (YJS). The category of victim for the purposes of this Contract, falls within two areas, those recognised as corporate victims (i.e. local businesses, services affected by Youth Crime, and personal victims i.e. individuals and/or families affected by youth crime. To ensure that all Services meet...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Victim Engagement

...Services (YJS). The category of victim for the purposes of this Contract, falls within two areas, those recognised as corporate victims (i.e. local businesses, services affected by Youth Crime, and personal victims i.e. individuals and/or families affected by youth crime. To ensure that all Services meet...

Contract Value: £537,600

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Appropriate Adult Service

...Services 2019. To reduce offending and re-offending of Children and Vulnerable Adults in Sheffield, Doncaster, Barnsley, and Rotherham through a number of complementary Services, strategies both locally and nationally, and in accordance with National Standards. The Service Provider shall ensure that each above named Local Authority...

Contract Value: £610,680

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Youth Justice Service - Reparation and Unpaid Work

...Services in Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham with the aim of helping children to understand the consequences of offending and take responsibility for their behaviour, in order to make amends for the harm caused by the offence. The Reparation and Unpaid work shall take place either directly...

Contract Value: £464,100

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prisoner Education Services Panel (Inc. Core Education)

...Services Panel (through a panel agreement). The Panel will be used to call off a range of Prisoner Education Services, including Core Education, Careers, Information and Guidance (CIAG), Libraries, and Physical Education. The initial Call Offs will be for the provision of the new Core Education...

Contract Value: £1,500,000,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Prisoner Education Services Panel (Inc. Core Education)

...Services Panel (through a panel agreement). The Panel will be used to call off a range of Prisoner Education Services, including Core Education, Careers, Information and Guidance (CIAG), Libraries, and Physical Education. The initial Call Offs will be for the provision of the new Core Education...

Contract Value: £1,500,000,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Independent Children's Rights and Advocacy Services should provide independent and confidential information, advice, representation, support and advocacy for eligible Children and Young people. The purpose of advocacy services in youth custody is to support and promote the voice of Children and Young People, assisting them in resolving issues relating to their...

Contract Value: £7,699,999

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Independent Children's Rights and Advocacy Services - prj_9392 required to provide Children & Young People's Advocacy Services in Youth Custody: for all Children and Young People held in Secure Training Centres (STCs) and Young Offender Institutions (YOIs) aged 12-19 Children and Young People held in Secure Children's Homes and/ or a Secure School...

Contract Value: £9,240,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals

Independent Childrens Rights and Advocacy Services - prj_9392

...related services to children and young people within the youth justice estate. This procurement is subject to the light touch procurement regime and the Authority will conduct the procurement following the principles of the Open procedure as more particularly set out in the related Invitation to...

Contract Value: £7,700,000

Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice

Tender Category: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals


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Organisations that have recently procured Services Related To the Detention or Rehabilitation of Criminals

  • Ministry of Justice
  • West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Sheffield City Council


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