UK Skin Care Products Tenders

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Latest Skin Care Products Tenders

Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene 2025

...Skin Cleansing, during the subsequent 12 months for the Supply of Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene products for patient and clinician use. Products include but are not limited to patient dry wipes, skin cleansing wipes, continence wipes, patient cleansing hygiene and personal care products, alcohol wipes...

Contract Value: £237,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene 2025

...Skin Cleansing, during the subsequent 12 months for the Supply of Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene products for patient and clinician use. Products include but are not limited to patient dry wipes, skin cleansing wipes, continence wipes, patient cleansing hygiene and personal care products, alcohol wipes...

Contract Value: £237,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Skin-care products

NP573/24 Antiseptic Solutions and Hand Hygiene Products

Framework for the supply of: - Hand Sanitisers Hand Moisturisers Hand Soaps (regular and anti-bacterial) Surgical Rub Accessories Dispensing Systems Chlorhexidine Solutions Povidone Iodine...

Contract Value: £16,000,000

Buying Organisation: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

The Supply of Sunscreen

Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by...

Contract Value: £400,000 to £1,000,000

Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply

Tender Category: Skin-care products

The Supply of Sunscreen

Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the Prime Contract). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe...

Contract Value: £1,000,000

Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply Limited

Tender Category: Skin-care products

R&D/076/P276 - The development of Josie Rose Skincare products balm and mask (note this is one product formulation). Please note that this opportunity is launched under an NDA. This must be completed to be considered for the opportunity. Completed NDAs must be submitted to prior to the below deadline. No further details on...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: SparkFund

Tender Category: Skin-care products

P249 - Development of Skin Care Products SPF care products (Specifically SPF) Please note that this opportunity is launched under an NDA. This must be completed to be considered for the opportunity. Completed NDAs must be submitted to prior to the below deadline. No further details on the opportunity will be provided...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: SparkFund

Tender Category: Skin-care products

P250 - Development of Skin Care Products Balm care products (Specifically Skin Balm & Mask) Please note that this opportunity is launched under an NDA. This must be completed to be considered for the opportunity. Completed NDAs must be submitted to prior to the below deadline. No further details on the opportunity...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: SparkFund

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Hand Hygiene and Associated Products and Services

NHS Supply Chain seeks to establish a non-exclusive Framework Agreement for the supply to NHS Supply Chain depots via the Stock/Blue Diamond routes and to the NHS Supply Chain customer base via the E-Direct route for the Supply of Hand Hygiene products for patient and staff use in healthcare...

Contract Value: £141,860,374

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Skin-care products

67_22 - First Aid Consumables & Furniture

A framework for the supply of first-aid consumables and equipment to be delivered to ESPO's warehouse and first aid furniture to be delivered directly to individual ESPO customers in varying quantities on a national basis. Lot 1 - First Aid Consumables and Equipment Lot 2 - First Aid Equipment and...

Contract Value: £1,120,000 to £1,400,000

Buying Organisation: ESPO

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Advanced Wound Care and Lymphoedema Products and Services

...Care & Lymphoedema Products and Services Framework Agreement allows for customers in both Primary and Secondary Care settings to procure Products and Services which have been clinically evaluated and deemed fit for purpose to improve overall patient outcomes.

Contract Value: £1,000,000 to £500,000,000

Buying Organisation: EU SUPPLY LIMITED

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene 2025

...Skin Cleansing, during the subsequent 12 months for the Supply of Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene products for patient and clinician use. Products include but are not limited to patient dry wipes, skin cleansing wipes, continence wipes, patient cleansing hygiene and personal care products, alcohol wipes...

Contract Value: £168,832,845

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Skin-care products

LSL/MED/0150 - The Supply of Sunscreen

Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by...

Contract Value: £400,000 to £1,000,000

Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Skin Cleansing and Disinfection cleansing and disinfection products for patient use, including but not limited to patient cleansing wipes, patient cleansing and hygiene products, localised alcohol skin cleansing and decolonisation wipes, body cleansing and decolonisation products, biocides, and skin disinfection medicinal products. The Framework Agreement will have an initial...

Contract Value: £94,721,340

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Skin-care products

67_22 - First Aid Consumables and Furniture

A framework for the supply of first-aid consumables and equipment to be delivered to ESPOs warehouse and first aid furniture to be delivered directly to individual ESPO customers in varying quantities on a national...

Contract Value: £1,400,000

Buying Organisation: ESPO

Tender Category: Skin-care products

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Skin Care Products Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Skin Care Products Tenders:

  • NHS Supply Chain
  • The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
  • Leidos Supply
  • Leidos Supply Limited
  • SparkFund
  • ESPO

How Do I Bid for Skin Care Products Tenders?

The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Skin Care Products Tenders.


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