UK Voice Recognition Software Package Tenders
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Latest Voice Recognition Software Package Tenders
Telephony and Communication Services Dynamic Purchasing System
The Authority is establishing a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Telephony And Communication Services. The DPS will comprise of two lots: Lot 1 - Telephony and Communication Services Lot 2 - Enterprise Bundled...
Contract Value: £12,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scottish Government
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
UK_209_Interview Intelligence platform
An interview intelligence tool which will automatically record and transcribe interviews and create a set of highlights/summarised notes which can be revisited and shared between the Hiring Manager and interview panellists. It will allow for deeper visibility into the interview process for Hiring...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: British Council
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
NS&I has a requirement for an ERP SaaS Finance Management System. Please note this contract has been...
Contract Value: £795,810
Buying Organisation: NS&I
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Provision of an e-Procurement system for NS&I. Contract awarded via G-Cloud 13 framework RM1557.13 for 36 month term with optional 12 month...
Contract Value: £45,000
Buying Organisation: NS&I
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
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Digital Dictation, Speech Recognition & Outsourced Transcription Services 2
...Recognition & Outsourced Transcription and related Goods and Services for Healthcare to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. Our Approved Organisation list can be found on: The Framework/DPS will be structured using the following Lots/Categories; Lot/Category 1 - Lot 1a - Digital Dictation (Fixed)...
Contract Value: £150,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Shared Business Services Limited
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Technical support for Integrated Human Resources System
Provision of implementation and maintenance support services for the NS&I Integrated Human Resources System. Contract awarded for initial term from 15/09/2024 to 14/11/2026 with two optional extension periods of up to 12 months...
Contract Value: £41,167
Buying Organisation: NS&I
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Integrated Human Resources System
NS&I has a requirement for an Integrated Human Resources System for the system and data storage services for its HR system. ** Contract...
Contract Value: £66,625
Buying Organisation: NS&I
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
CA13665 - Digital Dictation and Speech Recognition
...Recognition Services to the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust to be awarded against the Shared Business Services framework SBS/20/SM/WCC/9423. To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA13665. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA13665 as...
Contract Value: £1,767,000
Buying Organisation: ADB (UK) LIMITED
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Contract Value: £380,734
Buying Organisation: HULL ROYAL INFIRMARY
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
...Recognition & Outsourced Transcription and related Goods and Services for Healthcare to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. These include, but are not limited to existing manual transcription services and automated software and hardware based services that are made available by on premise, or cloud...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: NHS Shared Business Services
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Technologies for Independent Living: Telecare, Telehealth Framework
Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK social...
Contract Value: £80,000,000
Buying Organisation: Procurement for Housing
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
ITT - Digital Dictation & Transcription
This Invitation to Tender sets out the requirements for a Digital Dictation & Transcription service in the form of an output-based specification (OBS) for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.. To view this opportunity please register with the Atamis e-tendering system....
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
ITT - Digital Dictation & Transcription
Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust...
Contract Value: £1,000,000
Buying Organisation: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
MRI - Orchard Information systems
Contract method: Direct through MRI, using MRI T&C's as MRI aren't on a framework we could appoint directly from- non compliant route so VEAT notice completed (please note should we extend a further VEAT notice will need completing) Contract in place for 4 years 90 days notice needed to...
Contract Value: £523,000
Buying Organisation: Gentoo Group
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Award of Digital Dictation Services
This is to inform of an award of contract for Digital Dictation Services. The contract was let via the NHS Commercial Solutions Digital Dictation, Outsourced Transcription & associated Services (4189-1964) framework. Contract term 60 months (with option of 2 x 12 month extensions). Award value...
Contract Value: £404,500 to £578,194
Buying Organisation: Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
MEH - Digital Dictation and Voice Recognition for Moorfields Eye Hospital
...Voice Recognition for Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Contract Value: £91,057
Buying Organisation: Partners Procurement Service
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
UHB Digital Dictation & Speech Recognition Solution - Market Engagement
...Recognition Solution. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB), which manages and operates Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Solihull Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Birmingham Chest Clinic, is one of the largest teaching hospital trusts in England, serving a regional, national and international population....
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Engineering & Technology Solutions Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System
Changes from the original document 2019/S 177-431310, CTM Ref: 11627, 11628, 11629, 11630. The duration has changed to 72 months from 48. The scope has changed to cover Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1-9 from TRL 6-9. In addition, new categories may be added to cover business needs. Full details...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: CTM Portal for the NDA Shared Services Alliance
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Engineering and Technology Solutions Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System
This notice is created to highlight the changes to the existing Engineering Solutions Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System - original TED publication reference 2019/S 177-431310. This relates to CTM Ref: 11627, 11628, 11629, 11630. URL address...
Contract Value: £42,600,000
Buying Organisation: Radioactive Waste Management
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Telephony Services Dynamic Purchasing System
The Authority is further extending its Telephony Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for an additional 5 months until 31 August 2022. This short extension is to cover in-flight procurements whilst the replacement DPS is being established. The DPS will remain open for new suppliers to apply to...
Contract Value: £10,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scottish Government
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
US_22104 Replacement IT Network Infrastructure (NRP - Network Replacement...
Contract Value: £18,000,000
Buying Organisation: University of Sussex
Tender Category: Voice recognition software package
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Voice Recognition Software Package Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Voice Recognition Software Package Tenders:
- Scottish Government
- British Council
- NS&I
- NHS Shared Business Services Limited
- NHS Shared Business Services
- Procurement for Housing
- Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust
- Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
- Gentoo Group
- Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust
- Partners Procurement Service
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- CTM Portal for the NDA Shared Services Alliance
- Radioactive Waste Management
- University of Sussex
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