UK X Ray Fluoroscopy Devices Tenders
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Latest X Ray Fluoroscopy Devices Tenders
GB-Leeds: 2024-25/4317 - Supply of a Mobile C-arm Fluoroscopy System
NOTICE OF AWARD OF a mobile C-arm fluoroscopy...
Contract Value: £126,562
Buying Organisation: University of Leeds
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
GB-Leeds: 2024-25/4317 - Supply of a Mobile C-arm Fluoroscopy System
The School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Leeds is seeking tenders for a mobile C-arm fluoroscopy...
Contract Value: £50,000 to £100,000
Buying Organisation: University of Leeds
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
High Value Laboratory Equipment
NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of NWUPC, APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC and SUPC for High Value Laboratory Equipment. The Framework Agreement will be split into 5 lots as follows: Lot 1 - Magnetic Resonance Equipment, Lot 2 - X-Ray, Imaging,...
Contract Value: £185,000,000
Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Framework Agreement for High Value Laboratory Equipment
Please note that the contract conclusion is still to be finalised with further supplier(s) on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Once the contract(s) are concluded, a further contract award notice will be published. NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of...
Contract Value: £185,000,000
Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Framework Agreement for High Value Laboratory Equipment
Please note that the contract conclusion is still to be finalised with further supplier(s) on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Once the contract(s) are concluded, a further contract award notice will be published. NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of...
Contract Value: £185,000,000
Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Framework Agreement for High Value Laboratory Equipment
NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of NWUPC, APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC and SUPC for High Value Laboratory Equipment. The Framework Agreement will be split into 5 lots as follows: Lot 1 - Magnetic Resonance Equipment, Lot 2 - X-Ray, Imaging,...
Contract Value: £185,000,000
Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Procurement of a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter - AWARD
Manchester Metropolitan is seeking to appoint through an open tender process a suitably qualified and experienced provider of a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. To include, but not limited to; o The supply of newly manufactured Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. o A maintenance contract for the...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Procurement of a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter
Manchester Metropolitan is seeking to appoint through an open tender process a suitably qualified and experienced provider of a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. To include, but not limited to; o The supply of newly manufactured Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. o A maintenance contract for the...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Manchester Metropolitan University
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Rental of mobile C arm required to support fluoroscopy service during downtime.
Rental of mobile C arm required to support fluoroscopy service during...
Contract Value: £37,620
Buying Organisation: Calderdale and Huddersfield Solutions
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
NP167/22 Multi Modality Imaging Equipment and Maintenance Framework
Framework agreement for the supply, installation, and/or maintenance of Diagnostic Imaging Equipment including but not limited to X-Ray, CT, MR, PET/CT, Mammography, Mammography Biopsy Systems, Mammography non-wire lesion localisation detectors, Mammography non-wire lesion localisation devices,...
Contract Value: £300,000,000
Buying Organisation: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
NHS Supply Chain Framework Agreement - Fluoroscopy - Contract Reference Number: 2014/S...
Contract Value: £331,250
Buying Organisation: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
GB-Newcastle Upon Tyne: T21-0046 Radiation TID Facility
We require an x-ray irradiation facility capable of providing a total ionising dose to electronics components at a rate between 0.5 and 3 Gy(Si)/s to a total of 1000 Gy(Si). The x-rays must have sufficient energy to penetrate into exposed electronic components to a depth of a few mm, this means...
Contract Value: £79,150
Buying Organisation: Northumbria University at Newcastle
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
GB-Newcastle Upon Tyne: T21-0046 Radiation TID Facility
We require an x-ray irradiation facility capable of providing a total ionising dose to electronics components at a rate between 0.5 and 3 Gy(Si)/s to a total of 1000 Gy(Si). The x-rays must have sufficient energy to penetrate into exposed electronic components to a depth of a few mm, this means...
Contract Value: £50,000 to £100,000
Buying Organisation: Northumbria University at Newcastle
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
NHS Supply Chain intends to launch a National Framework Agreement which encompasses the provision of Advanced Angiography Diagnostic Equipment and associated accessories, including but not limited to imaging Systems, Cath Lab Tools, and Specialized Diagnostic Software. Additionally, the scope of...
Contract Value: £600,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Procurement and installation of a X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument for use across the Faculty of Science and Engineering. We require a high precision instrument capable of detailed analyses with low detection limits in complex samples and novel carbon capture...
Contract Value: £240,000
Buying Organisation: University of Plymouth
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Angiography and Hybrid Capital Equipment and Services
NHS Supply Chain intends to launch a National Framework Agreement which encompasses the provision of Advanced Angiography Diagnostic Equipment and associated accessories, including but not limited to imaging Systems, Cath Lab Tools, and Specialized Diagnostic Software. Additionally, the scope of...
Contract Value: £600,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Fluoroscopy Unit and Associated Enabling Works
Provision of Fluoroscopy Unit and Associated Enabling Works For NHS Greater Glasgow and...
Contract Value: £460,926
Buying Organisation: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Multi Modality Imaging Equipment and Maintenance Framework
Framework agreement for the supply, installation, and/or maintenance of Diagnostic Imaging Equipment including but not limited to X-Ray, CT, MR, PET/CT, Mammography, Mammography Biopsy Systems,Interventional, Dental, Bone Densitomitry, Nuclear Imaging, Contrast Injectors, Contrast Injector...
Contract Value: £300,000,000
Buying Organisation: The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
Tender Category: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find X Ray Fluoroscopy Devices Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued X Ray Fluoroscopy Devices Tenders:
- University of Leeds
- North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Calderdale and Huddersfield Solutions
- The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Northumbria University at Newcastle
- NHS Supply Chain
- University of Plymouth
- NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
How Do I Bid for X Ray Fluoroscopy Devices Tenders?
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